header MY040719  


1. Company Meetings, Minutes and Resolutions in Malaysia

Company Meeting

Pengarang   : Kenneth Foo Poh Khean, Leong Oi Wah               

Imprint          : Ampang, Selangor : CLJ Publication, 2021 

Mukasurat    : 616   


“Company Meetings, Minutes and Resolutions in Malaysia” is aimed at providing a detailed and in-depth discussion of the essential requirements, rules and principles in meetings, minutes and resolutions. This book provides two dimensions in the area of meetings, minutes and resolutions from the legal perspective and the practical insights supported by examples, legal precedents and explanations. The salient topics and contents covered in this book will provide a useful insight into meetings, minutes and resolutions as well as serve as a useful teaching and learning tool for students and teachers. It is ideal for corporate professionals and legal practitioners to gain critical understanding of the processes, procedures and essential requirements pertaining to meetings, minutes and resolutions in Malaysia.

2. Pembangunan Mampan Pelancongan Maritim di Pantai Timur Semenanjung Malaysia 

Pembangunan Mampan

Pengarang   : Hanizah Idris, Norhaslina Hassan, Safiah @ Yusmah Muhammad Yusoff, Asra Zaliza Asbollah, Muhammad Faiz Ramli             

Imprint          : Kuala Lumpur : Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 2017 

Mukasurat    : 166   


Buku Pembangunan Mampan Pelancongan Maritim di Pantai Timur Semenanjung Malaysia adalah karya asli yang terhasil daripada kajian lapangan yang telah dilakukan oleh para penulis di Pantai Timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Buku ini memuatkan hasil penelitian penulis ke atas beberapa isu penting berkaitan dengan pembangunan mampan pelancongan maritim di kawasan pesisir pantai. Empat topik penting telah menjadi fokus penulisan buku ini iaitu yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan mampan pelancongan maritim, impak pelancongan maritim ke atas ekonomi komuniti setempat, pelancongan maritim dan sosiobudaya: perspektif komuniti dan pelancong dan terakhir perancangan guna tanah untuk pembangunan mampan pelancongan maritim. Buku ini turut memuatkan hasil kajian berasingan tetapi penting dalam membincangkan isu pembangunan mampan pelancongan maritim di pulau peranginan iaitu berkaitan dengan masalah tadbir urus, kajian kes di Pulau Perhentian.

Diharap dengan terhasilnya karya akademik ini, akan memberi manfaat kepada banyak pihak termasuk mereka yang terlibat dalam membuat kajian tentang pelancongan khasnya pelancongan maritim atau pelancongan pesisir pantai dan juga mereka yang terlibat dalam kajian tentang pembangunan guna tanah, alam sekitar dan tadbir urus pulau peranginan di kawasan pesisir pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Selain itu, buku ini amat sesuai dibaca oleh golongan mahasiswa di IPTA dan IPTS yang menawarkan kursus-kursus berkaitan dengan pembangunan mampan pelancongan maritim dan pengurusannya bagi memastikan pembangunan pelancongan mampan ini dapat dilaksanakan bagi mengurangkan impak negatif ke atas alam sekitar dan komuniti setempat dari segi ekonomi dan sosial dan seterusnya dapat memberi manfaat kepada mereka dalam jangka masa panjang.

3. Pulau Pangkor antara Pembangunan dan Kelestarian 

Pulau Pangkor

Pengarang   : Jamilah Mohamad, Mariney Mohd Yusoff           

Imprint          : Kuala Lumpur : Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 2017 

Mukasurat    : 283     

Sinopsis :

Deklarasi Rio 1992 telah memperluaskan konsep pembangunan mapan dengan mengambil pendekatan yang bersifat holistik meliputi dimensi pembangunan ekonomi, keterlibatan sosial dan kelestarian persekitaran. Kini konsep pembangunan mapan telah diarusperdanakan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu melalui Agenda Pembangunan Mapan 2030 yang telah merangka satu set 17 Matlamat Pembangunan Mapan (Sustainable Development Goals - SDG) untuk dilaksanakan oleh semua negara melalui penubuhan Rangka Kerja Nasional. Pelaksanaan SDG bertujuan untuk mencapai kesejahteraan global dalam jangka panjang melalui penggunaan dan pengurusan sumber ekonomi dan sumber asli secara bijaksana, dan pada masa yang sama, perlu menghormati manusia dan segala bentuk kehidupan.

Usaha untuk mencapai Matlamat Pembangunan Mapan ini tentunya lebih mencabar dalam kes ekosistem pulau kecil. Pulau kecil, seperti Pulau Pangkor yang menjadi tumpuan kajian dalam buku ini, sering menghadapi keterancaman ekonomi kerana bergantung kepada beberapa aktiviti ekonomi asas seperti perikanan dan pelancongan. Walaupun sektor pelancongan berpotensi besar untuk meningkatkan sumber ekonomi pulau, pembangunan pelancongan mesti dijalankan dalam kerangka daya tampung sesebuah pulau. Selain daripada tekanan aktiviti pelancongan, ekosistem pulau juga perlu menampung permintaan penduduk tempatan untuk membina kawasan tempat tinggal dan infrastruktur asas. Semakin ramai penduduk dan semakin rancak aktiviti pembangunannya, maka semakin banyak sumber asli pulau, termasuk kawasan hutan, perlu digunakan.

Sifat pembangunan mapan itu berkonsep normatif menjangkau beberapa skala temporal dan spatial, dan mempunyai pelbagai pemegang taruh. Matlamat pembangunan mapan tidak mungkin dicapai tanpa elemen tadbir urus (governance) yang cekap. Tadbir urus pulau ke arah pencapaian pembangunan mapan melibatkan banyak isu yang menyentuh pelbagai aspek ekonomi, sosial, politik dan alam sekitar. Pendekatan multisektoral dan multidisiplin diperlukan untuk memahami isu yang wujud dalam konteks pembangunan sebuah pulau. Buku ini, yang mengandungi 11 bab, mengetengahkan hasil penelitian yang telah dibuat oleh pengkaji di Pusat Kajian UMSERGE dengan dibiayai oleh dana penyelidikan Universiti Malaya. Hasil kajian ini bermanfaat untuk penguasa tempatan, penggubal dasar, komuniti tempatan dan pemegang taruh yang lain yang perlu memahami dinamik isu pembangunan yang wujud di pulau ini. Buku ini sesuai dijadikan rujukan oleh penyelidik tempatan dan pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi untuk meneruskan agenda penyelidikan dalam bidang pembangunan mapan.

 4. Questions and Answers on Malaysian Courts, Statutes, Cases &  Contract Tort and Criminal Law

Question and Answer

Pengarang   : Nuraisyah Chua Abdullah           

Imprint          : Petaling Jaya : Golden Book Centre, 2004 

Mukasurat    : 323

Sinopsis :

This is the third revised edition of Questions & Answers on Malaysian Courts, Statutes, Cases & Contract, Tort and Criminal Law, which was first published in 2004 and revised in 2007. In this edition, a new chapter on “The Legal Profession and Legal Aid Schemes” has been included. The other chapters have also been revised with new judgements being included.

This book is aimed to cater to pre-law students and the general public in providing the basic legal knowledge on the above topics. It briefly explains the judicial system, statutes such as the Laws of Malaysia and three other areas of law like Contract, Tort and Criminal Law. The questions and suggested answers appearing in this edition have been revised as well and are prepared in line with the examination prospect.

 5. Power Economics: An Executive’s Guide to Energy Efficiency, Conservation, and Generation Strategies

Power Economics

Pengarang   : Elena Cahill         

Imprint           : Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021 

Mukasurat    : 213

Sinopsis :

Energy efficiency is more of a journey than a battle. It starts with small steps, taken at the local and state levels. It is a matter of identifying and then practicing good habits in our daily lives, at home and at work.

Every idea and process described in this book, if performed reasonably well, will put money in your pocket. You will not only save money; you will probably make money—and you will take important steps toward saving the planet.

Power Economics is a book for thoughtful people who want to cut their energy costs and diminish the harmful effects of greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate change and global warming are not speculative fantasies. They are real. They threaten communities, towns, cities, regions, nations, and continents. Even if you don't care about polar bears and penguins, the effects of melting icecaps and shifting ocean currents will transform your life and the lives of the people around you.

Power Economics offers practical steps and achievable strategies for reducing the destructive impact of climate change and global warming.

Yes, we need energy to live and to sustain our economies. But we don’t need to burn fossil fuels and release CO2 gas at levels that will result in a global catastrophe. There are reasonable alternatives to our current practices. None of the ideas that described in this book are entirely new or totally unfamiliar. They aren't extreme or bizarre. They won't require harsh or draconian measures to work. All of them follow basic rules of common sense and can be achieved at reasonable cost.

"I have done my best to convey the complexity and urgency of the matter. I hope that you find this book informative and useful. Working together, we can shed many of our wasteful energy habits and begin the task of building a world that is safe, sustainable and healthy," writes author and energy expert Elena Cahill.

6. Early Stage Valuation: A Fair Value Perspective  

Early Stage Valuation

Pengarang   : Antonella Puca            

Imprint          : New Jersey : John Wiley and Sons, 2020

Muka surat   : 359  

Sinopsis :

Addresses significant developments in the valuation of early-stage enterprises at fair value with emphasis on practical applications - features a broad selection of case studies of early-stage valuation.

Early-Stage Valuation: A Fair Value Perspective provides a comprehensive review of the current methodologies used to value Early-Stage Enterprises (ESEs) at fair value for financial reporting, investment, and mergers and acquisitions. Author Antonella Puca, Senior Director with Alvarez & Marsal Valuation Services in New York, provides accurate, up-to-date information on recent guidelines and new approaches for valuation assessments.

This authoritative guide examines how to apply market analysis, discounted cash flows models, statistical techniques such as option pricing models (OPM) and Monte Carlo simulation, the venture capital method and non-GAAP metrics to ESE valuation. The text considers the most recent AICPA, Appraisal Foundation and IPEV guidance, and examines developments in both academic research and venture capital investor practice. Numerous real-world case studies illustrate early-stage valuation suitable for structuring sound, internally consistent business transactions. Covering current trends and the latest regulatory guidance in the area, this book:

 Provides step-by-step guidance on practical valuation applications

 Reflects current standards for ESE valuation, including the AICPA Guide to the Valuation of Portfolio Company Investments, the IPEV guidelines and guidance from the Appraisal Foundation

 Covers new approaches to the valuation of ESEs with option pricing models, Monte Carlo Simulation, calibration and non-GAAP metrics

 Offers an overview of start-up valuation

 Discusses how intangible assets are impacting the valuation of ESEs

The book also includes contributions from Neil Beaton, Andreas Dal Santo, Alexander Davie, John Jackman and Mark Zyla.

Early-Stage Valuation: A Fair Value Perspective is an essential resource for valuation specialists, private equity and venture capital fund managers, analysts, attorneys, investment bankers, regulators and auditors, and investors with interest in the private equity and venture capital industry.

7. Public-Private Partnership and Private Finance Initiative for Infrastructure Projects

Public Private Partnership

Pengarang   : Faizul Azli Mohd Rahim, Nurshuhada Zainon, Saipol Bari Abd Karim, Akmal Latiff Ayob            

Imprint           : Kuala Lumpur : Universiti of Malaysia Press, 2017

Muka surat   : 104

Sinopsis :

Traditionally, public finance has provided most of the major source of funds for investment in infrastructure projects. However, the challenge of providing infrastructure projects has led governments worldwide to look at new and innovative alternative methods to finance and manage infrastructure projects. This has led to the participation of the private sector in the financing and managing of public services and infrastructure. Among the well-established private sector participation is the Public-Private Partnership (PPP).

PPP is increasingly being used to bring together the strengths of both sectors to facilitate the delivery of projects and services. In Malaysia, the government has realised the importance of PPP in economic development since the implementation of privatisation in 1983. PPP is a partnership that involves transfer to the private sector the risk and responsibility to fund and manage a capital investment package and services including the construction, management, maintenance, improvement and replacement of public sector assets such as buildings, infrastructure, equipment and other facilities that create a standalone business. They collaborate on the fundamental of a clearly defined sharing of tasks and risks to achieve benefits of added value and increased efficiency. PPP provides benefit to both the public and private sectors, especially when it is done based on trust, openness, fairness and mutual respect.

The terms PPP and PFI (Private Finance Initiative) have often being used inter-changeably throughout the world although there are subtle differences between them. In Malaysia, PFI is a public service delivery type of PPP where the responsibility for providing public services is transferred from the public to the private sector for a considerable period of time. PFI is a means of using private finance and skills to deliver capital investment projects traditionally provided by the public sector.

This book contains numerous insights that will enable the readers to understand and appreciate the theory and practice of PPP/PFI. The contributing authors provide refreshing ways in addressing the understanding of PPP/PFI particularly in infrastructure projects.

8. Aspect of Land Management and Development

Aspect of Land

Pengarang   : Ismail Omar          

Imprint           : Germany : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015

Muka surat   : 217   

Sinopsis :

The book is a compilation of articles in land management and development covering conceptual and practical aspects of land management and development. Since, land management is broad in its very nature, this book is comprising aspects of land management and development including local authority management, social impact assessment, indigenous land supply constraints, land for tourism, idle agriculture land, heritage management, land use management, land acquisition, land taxation and project privatization. The contributors have many specializations which are broad and diverse. The case studies are from Europe, Indonesia and Malaysia. Therefore, a blend of worldwide agenda in land management and development is important and interesting to portray the very nature of land management and development. The book is suitable for students in land economy, land development, estate management, town planning, built environment, land law, land administration, surveying and those who are looking for gaining knowledge in land management and development.

9. Integrated Tactical Planning: Respond to Change, Increase  Competitiveness, and Reduce Costs

Integrated Tactical


Pengarang   :  Rod Hozack, Stuart Harman, Todd Ferguson, Dawn Howarth          

Imprint           :  Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2021

Muka surat   :  227   

Sinopsis :

The experts at Oliver Wight provide business leaders with invaluable information for integrating the tactical planning process.

Integrated Tactical Planning (ITP) is an essential process for regularly re-aligning product, demand, and supply plans in the short term, thereby giving the Executive team the confidence that operational activities are being well managed, unless they formally hear otherwise. This cross-functional re-planning process is vital to responding to change, increasing competitiveness, and reducing costs. Integrated Tactical Planning:  Respond to Change, Increase Competitiveness and Reduce Costs helps senior executives devote more time to strategy and other value-added activities by deploying ITP practices throughout their organization. 

Written by the leadership team at Oliver Wight, one of the world’s most respected firms for effectively integrating business processes and improving business outcomes, this authoritative resource offers a contemporary view of the processes, behaviour change methods, and new technology for implementing ITP processes. Throughout the text, the authors share business-proven concepts, define fundamental terms, and provide real-life examples of how Integrated Tactical Planning has been applied in various industries and businesses. Clear and accurate chapters cover essential topics including strategy alignment, product and demand plan execution, supply scheduling, performance improvement, and more. Presenting the information necessary to get an organization started on its Integrated Tactical Planning journey, this book:

  • Describes how to manage and align product portfolio changes and new products within a single management process.
  • Explains the mechanisms and behavioral requirements for an organization to successfully execute Integrated Tactical Planning Offers methods for improving reaction time and cost-effectively responding to
  • changes in Demand and Supply
  • Reviews different design and deployment strategies, structures and roles, and the key ITP elements such as process definition and sustainability
  • Features a comprehensive case study that details the challenges and results experienced by an Oliver Wight client company that implemented Integrated Tactical Planning

Integrated Tactical Planning: Respond to Change, Increase Competitiveness and Reduce Costs is a must-have book for senior executives, leaders, managers, and planners at organizations of any size across all industries.

10. The Auctioneer’s Guide to Real Estate Auctions in Malaysia

The Auctioneer

Pengarang   : Wan Nor Azriyanti Wan Abd Aziz, Nppr Rosly Hanif, Zairul
                        Hisham Musa                

Imprint           : Kuala Lumpur : University of Malaya Press,  2017

Muka surat   : 77 

Sinopsis :

Over the years, there has been an increase in the auctioning activities in Malaysia. However, the auctioneer’s profession in Malaysia is not given the recognition as a result, the existence of the auctioneering profession in Malaysia is hardly known to many as compared with other established professions. Therefore, the purpose of this book is to give an awareness to the readers on current auctioneering practices in disposing real estate in Malaysia.

The interesting about this book provides some interesting background of this profession that includes the history of Auction in Malaysia. Besides, this book provides the existing structure and the legislative framework of the auction practice in Malaysia that was valuable sources of information to the readers. In addition, it’s also provided some information on getting an auctioneer’s licence in Malaysia as well as the general procedure for auction in High Court and Land Office. This book concludes with valuable insights for improving the current auctioneer’s profession in Malaysia. The contents of this book are based on authors’ previous research and experiences in this area.