<style>.lazy{display:none}</style>Call For Papers Journal - INSTITUT PENILAIAN NEGARA



About IRERS |Proceedings |Call For Papers: JVPSCall For Papers: Occasional Papers JPPH |IRERS 2024


Call for Papers : Journal of Valuation And Property Services (JVPS)


Do You Have A Paper You Would Like To Share With Other Real Estate Professionals?


The Journal of Valuation and Property Services (JVPS) is a major publication by the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH), Ministry of Finance Malaysia. JVPS is an international journal that provides a forum for critical appraisals of fundamental issues affecting the real estate industry. It is specially intended for real estate professionals to keep abreast with developments in the real estate industry as well as the real estate profession. 

The Publication Board of this journal invites original papers from real estate professionals on any of the following areas:-

  • Areas of major interest and practical relevance to the real estate profession;
  • New techniques, applications, theories as well as related concept relevant to the real estate profession;
  • Policy issues and regulations and their impact on the real estate market.


The journal focuses on Asia, with particular emphasis on Malaysia, but papers that promote cross-national learning on the real estate industry worldwide are welcomed. Each issue will also present practice notes relevant to the practice of valuation and property services written by senior professionals.


Editorial Policy and Submission Guidelines


1. Submission

Contributors can submit their papers before the 31st July of each year to Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya. . A prospective contributor may submit a summary of a proposed paper to the Editor for preliminary consideration as to its suitability for publication in the journal. The receipt of each paper submitted will be acknowledged. The Editor reserves the right to accept, modify or decline any paper

2. Reviewing Process

All papers will be reviewed by one or more referees. Contributors will be informed about the acceptance (or otherwise) of their papers after the comments of referees have been received. The entire reviewing process will be conducted in complete confidentiality. For this purpose, the name, address and affiliation of the contributor should not be on the first page of the paper, but only on the accompanying letter

3. Style

Papers should be the original, unpublished work of the contributors. They should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers should be written in a clear and simple style, and should have a carefully considered structure. Contributors are encouraged to adopt the most effective way of communicating their information to the reader. Illustrations may be used to elucidate the issues raised

4. Language

Language used in all papers submitted shall be in English

5. Contents

Papers should preferably be in the range of 4,000 to 6,000 words, excluding illustrations. A brief (maxima 60 words) profile of the contributor should accompany each article. All manuscripts for publishing are to be typed in Arial font size 11 with 1.15-spacing on a A4 size document with normal margin of 1 inch on each side. The pages should be numbered consecutively


             a) First Page

The full title of the paper must be shown on the first page of the manuscript. Also to be included on the first page is an abstract of not more than 300 words and up to 5 keywords to facilitate indexing. The abstract should summarise the objectives, main finding and conclusions of the paper.


b) References

Only references that are cited in the text should be included in the reference list. The Harvard reference system is adopted in the Journal. References within the text will be shown in brackets, by quoting first, the author’s name followed by a comma and year of publication all in round brackets, e.g. (Agus, 1994).

References should appear at the end of the article, arranged in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname as follows:-





Book: Lim, K.K.(1990), Valuation Methods, Pelandok, Kuala Lumpur.

Journal: Zaharudin A. (1994), “The New Economic Policy and the Integrated Housing Model”, Ilmu Alam, Vol. 2 No. 7, pp 23-35.


c) Illustrations

Illustrations such as diagrams, tables, graphs, photos and similar materials should be part of the text.

Table of values used to generate graphs must be included to ensure accurate representation. All illustrations should be identified correctly in the order in which they are referred to in the text, e.g. “Figure or Table 1., etc”.

Acknowledgements, footnotes and endnotes (if necessary) are to be listed at the end of the article.

6. Editorial Scope

The editor reserves the right to edit /format the manuscript to maintain a consistent style

7. Copyrights

Contributors shall undertake to ensure that articles submitted for publication do not infringe any copyright law. Relevant acknowledgements should be included in tables, figures or wherever necessary. All contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed. This covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproduction, microfilm or any reproduction of a similar nature and translation

8. Disclaimer

Although the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH) is the publisher of the Journal of Valuation and Property Services (JVPS), the views presented in the Journal are entirely those of the contributors and do not reflect the official stand of the department. JPPH does not hold itself responsible for the accuracy of any article published. The role of the publisher is merely to provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas

9. Honorarium

Every article published in the Journal of Valuation and Property Services shall be paid an honorarium of an amount approved by the Treasury of Malaysia.


Further details on the journal are available from:-
The Editor, Journal of Valuation and Property Services (JVPS)
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