<style>.lazy{display:none}</style>Call For Papers - INSTITUT PENILAIAN NEGARA



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Call For Papers

IRERS  is a conference dedicated to exploring the future of the real estate industry, focusing on trends, technologies, and sustainability practices. Participants will learn from industry experts, engage in discussions, and participate in paper presentations centred around innovative approaches to real estate development, investment, and management. The conference aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of key industry trends, offering practical insights and strategies to stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving field.

Researchers, academicians, practitioners, post graduate, students, industry players and policymakers are invited to submit research papers or industry papers reporting on issues in real estate including (but not necessarily limited to) the following :

  • Emerging real estate trends: What's driving demand for different types of properties, and how are developers and investors responding?
  • The role of technology in real estate: How are advances in artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other technologies changing the way we buy, sell, and manage properties?
  • Sustainability in real estate: What are the latest strategies for creating sustainable buildings and communities, and how can investors and developers make environmentally conscious choices?
  • Case studies in real estate innovation: Hear from developers, investors, and other industry leaders about their successes (and failures) in pursuing innovative projects and strategies.
  • Real estate finance and investment: Explore the latest trends and best practices in real estate finance, including crowdfunding, REITs, and other alternative investment vehicles.
  • Real estate law and regulation: Learn about the latest legal and regulatory developments affecting the real estate industry, including changes in zoning laws, tax policies, and other key issues.

Abstract Requirements

Those interested in submitting their papers may submit abstracts of approximately 300 words each. Abstracts should come with the complete names(s) and organisation(s) of the author(s), key words and contact details.

Full Paper Requirements

Full paper must be consistent in format and layout as follows:-

Title                             :           Bold, Centered, Arial, size 11

Author(s)                     :           Name, Position, Organization

Contact details            :           Full address, phone, fax and e-mail

Key words                   :           Up to 6 key words

Language                    :           English

Number of pages        :           Maximum 15 pages including tables, figures and reference

Fonts                           :           Arial size 11, justified

Software                      :           Microsoft Word

Spacing                       :           Single, one blank line between paragraphs

Sub heading                :           Centered, capital letters

Reference                   :           APA style

Please adhere to the requirements and submissions can be made online at this URL. https://bit.ly/IRERS2024

Submit now to secure your participation in IRERS and have the opportunity to publish an article in ISBN proceeding and a Scopus Indexed Journal.