<style>.lazy{display:none}</style>Poster Competition - INSTITUT PENILAIAN NEGARA



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Poster Competition  

Are you a researcher or academician eager to showcase your work on an international platform? Look no further than the Poster Competition at the International Real Estate Research Symposium (IRERS)!

The Poster Competition has been a captivating feature of IRERS since its inception in 2012. This competition provides a unique opportunity for researchers to present their work in a visually appealing format, condensing complex ideas into an engaging poster.

The competition challenges participants to creatively condense their research into an eye-catching poster format. Top three posters selected by an independent panel of juries will be awarded, providing well-deserved recognition for outstanding contributions.

Eligibility Criteria:

The competition is open to parallel session presenters, IRERS participants, academicians, students, and industry players in real estate. To be eligible, the poster must not have been previously published or presented. Participants can submit more than one poster, with each poster representing a single topic. During the Poster Session, participants are required to attend and be prepared to answer questions from the juries.

Poster Contents:

  • Must feature the Name of Event, Logo of IRERS, JPPH, and INSPEN at the top.
  • Design flexibility: Participants can choose to design their posters or use templates provided by the organizer on the website.
  • Clearly present the title and author/s, with collaborators indicated by a footnote.
  • Explain the significance and relevance of the research.
  • Provide a brief overview of the methodology, concise results, and conclusions.
  • Poster size: Vertical A1 size [841mm (Height) x 594mm (Width)].
  • All text on the poster must be in English.

Submission Process:

There is a nominal fee to participate in the poster competition, except for full Conference Participants who can join for free. The entry fee must be paid upon registration, with proof of payment required. Submit the Research Abstract and a softcopy of the poster two weeks before the competition to ensure eligibility. Late submissions will result in elimination from the competition.

To participate in the Poster Competition, proceed to Online Registration. For further clarification or assistance, contact Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya..

Don't miss this chance to showcase your research, gain recognition, and contribute to the vibrant discussions at IRERS! We look forward to your engaging and visually appealing contributions to the Poster Competition.