header MY040719  


1. Cahaya yang menerangi

Cahaya yg menerangi

Pengarang  :  Syeikh Nuruddin Marbu Al-Banjari Al-Makki          

Imprint  :  petaling Jaya : galeri Ilmu ,  2017 

Mukasurat : 163 ms 


CAHAYA YANG MENERANGI menghimpunkan soal jawab bersama Syeikh Nuruddin Marbu al-Banjari al-Makki dalam isu akidah dan hukum-hakam feqah. Soalan-soalan yang diajukan semasa sesi pengajian talaqqi ini dijawab oleh Syeikh Nuruddin secara spontan. Ustaz Muhadir telah mengambil inisiatif untuk membukukan soal jawab ini supaya manfaatnya dapat menyebar lebih luas kepada masyarakat. Antara permasalahan yang dijawab oleh Syeikh Nuruddin:

* Membawa atau memegang al-Quran digital

* Solat menghormati waktu

* Bangkai cicak dalam makanan

* Air mata orang hidup menitis ke muka mayat

* Pakaian bernajis disekalikan dengan pakaian lain di dalam mesin basuh

dan banyak lagi.


2. Financial Accounting 1 (2nd ed.)

Financial Accounting

Pengarang : Morni Hayati Jaafar Sidik           

Imprint  :  Shah Alam  :  Oxford Fajar , 2016

Mukasurat : 347 ms 


This is a textbook catered for local courses on the fundamentals of financial accounting. Theories abd application related to the subject are presented in a thorough yet easy-to-understand manner, with emphasis on the Malaysian environment and complemented with worked examples.  In addition, students are able to reinforce what they have learnt through review questions and application exercise at the end of each chapter.  Authentic group tasks are also included in certain chapters to provide instructors with not only alternative forms of assessment, but also engaging activities for their students.

3.Innovation And Entrepreneurship (3rd ed.)

Innovation and entrepreneurship

Pengarang      : John bessant       

Imprint                       :  West Sussex :  Jogn Wiley &Sons , 2015

Mukasurat     : 524 ms 

Sinopsis :

Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3rd Edition is an accessible text on innovation and entrepreneurship aimed specifically at undergraduate students studying business and management studies, but also those on engineering and science degrees with management courses.

The text applies key theories and research on innovation and entrepreneurship and then reviews and synthesises those theories and research to apply them in a much broader and contemporary context, including the corporate and public services, emerging technologies and economies, and sustainability and development and creating and capturing value from innovation and entrepreneurship. In this third edition the authors continue to adopt an explicit process model to help organise the material with clear links between innovation and entrepreneurship.

This text has been designed to be fully integrated with the Innovation Portal at www.innovation-portal.info, which contains an extensive collection of additional resources for both lecturers and students, including teaching resources, case studies, media clips, innovation tools, seminar and assessment activities and test questions.

 4. Kek 5 Bahan

Kek 5 Bahan

Pengarang :  Suwarsi M. Arukin        

Imprint : Shah Alam :  Group Buku Karangkarf , 2018 

Mukasurat : 119 ms  

Sinopsis :

5 bahan saja sudah boleh buat kek? Ya, dengan 5 bahan asas sahaja, kek anda menjadi sempurna dan sesedap rasa. Tidak perlukan hiasan krim atau aising, kek yang sudah masak kelihatan mewah dan bermutu tinggi. Yang penting, ikt arahan yang betul. Jika mahu menghias kek, carilah bahan hiasan yang  mudah diperoleh, walaupun hanya di dapur.
Kekuatan buku:
- Menjadi rujukan kepada yang minat baking.
- Lebih jimat kerana hanya menggunakan lima bahan.
- Bahan-bahan yang digunakan juga senang didapati.
- Mudah untuk diikuti dan difahami. Langkah yang senang dan ringkas.
- Proses membuat boleh dipelbagaikan sama ada dibakar atau dikukus.
- Info dan tip kepada pembaca. Tak Mustahil Untuk Jadikan Kek Berciri Mewah

5.Leveraging Risk And Uncertainties For Effective Project Management

Leveraging Risk

Pengarang      :  Yuri Raydugin       

Imprint           :  Hershey :  IGI Global  , 2017  

Mukasurat     :  501 ms  

Sinopsis :

The proper understanding and managing of project risks and uncertainties is crucial to any organization. It is of paramount importance at all phases of project development and execution to avoid poor project results from meager economics, overspending, reputation and environmental damage, and even loss of life.

The Handbook of Research on Leveraging Risk and Uncertainties for Effective Project Management is a comprehensive reference source for emerging perspectives of managing risks associated with the execution and development of projects. Highlighting innovative coverage written by top industry specialists, such as complexity theory, psychological bias and risk management fallacies, probabilistic risk analysis, and various aspects of project decision making, this book is ideally designed for project and risk managers, project engineers, cost estimators, schedulers, safety and environmental protection specialists, corporate planners, financial and insurance specialists, corporate decision makers, as well as academics and lecturers working in the area of project management and students pursing PMP, PMI-RMP, ISO 31000, etc. certification.

6.Multivariate Kernel Smoothing And Its Applications


Pengarang      :  Jose E. Chacon             

Imprint           :  Baco Raton  : CRC Press  , 2018

Muka surat    :  226 ms 

Sinopsis :

Kernel smoothing has greatly evolved since its inception to become an essential methodology in the data science tool kit for the 21st century. Its widespread adoption is due to its fundamental role for multivariate exploratory data analysis, as well as the crucial role it plays in composite solutions to complex data challenges.

Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications offers a comprehensive overview of both aspects. It begins with a thorough exposition of the approaches to achieve the two basic goals of estimating probability density functions and their derivatives. The focus then turns to the applications of these approaches to more complex data analysis goals, many with a geometric/topological flavour, such as level set estimation, clustering (unsupervised learning), principal curves, and feature significance. Other topics, while not direct applications of density (derivative) estimation but sharing many commonalities with the previous settings, include classification (supervised learning), nearest neighbour estimation, and deconvolution for data observed with error.

For a data scientist, each chapter contains illustrative Open data examples that are analysed by the most appropriate kernel smoothing method. The emphasis is always placed on an intuitive understanding of the data provided by the accompanying statistical visualisations. For a reader wishing to investigate further the details of their underlying statistical reasoning, a graduated exposition to a unified theoretical framework is provided. The algorithms for efficient software implementation are also discussed.

7. Pengurusan Projek Pembinaan 

Pengurusan Projek Pembinaan

Pengarang      : Mohd Saidin Misnan       

Imprint           : Johor Bahru :  UTM  Press , 2014

Muka surat    : 273 ms.

Sinopsis :

Industri pembinaan di Malaysia telah mencapai tahap yang boleh dibanggakan dalam pembangunan ekonomi negara. Keberkesanan dan kecekapan merupakan dua faktor utama yang saling mempunyai perkaitan antara satu sama lain dalam menilai kejayaan sesebuah organisasi. Pada umumnya, 'keberkesanan' merujuk kepada pencapaian objektif, manakala 'kecekapan' pula mencerminkan jumlah masukan atau sumber (seperti masa, kos, dan tenaga) yang diguna bagi melaksanakan sesuatu kerja. Keseimbangan antara keberkesanan dan kecekapan amat penting untuk mencapai objektif pengurusan. Dalam usaha meningkatkan daya saing kontraktor Malaysia khususnya untuk penglibatan projek di luar negara, sektor kerajaan dan swasta perlu berkerjasama supaya dapat terus bersaing di pasaran global. Pengurusan projek amat penting dalam sesuatu projek pembinaan. Pengurusan yang baik akan memberi kesan yang positif, iaitu projek dapat disiapkan dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan, kualiti akan lebih terjamin, dan kos dapat dikurangkan. Oleh itu, pengurusan yang berkualiti dan efektif perlu dikendalikan oleh pakar yang dikenali sebagai pengurus projek. Tugas utamanya memastikan projek berjalan mengikut masa dan jadual yang telah ditentukan. Di samping itu, pengurus projek juga mesti menilai kualiti projek dan menyelaraskan kos selaras dengan bajet yang ditetapkan.

Buku ini sesuai sebagai rujukan oleh pengurus projek, pengurus fasiliti, jurutera, pengurus pembinaan, juruukur bahan, penuntut institusi pengajian tinggi, pegawai kerajaan, kontraktor binaan dan mereka yang ingin mendalami pengetahuan dalam industri pembinaan.

8. Principles Of Marketing  (17 th ed.) 

Principles of Marketing

Pengarang      : Philip Kotler   

Imprint            : Harlow  : Pearson , 2018  

Muka surat    :  734 ms

Sinopsis :

Help students learn how to create value through customer connections and engagement

In a fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace, it’s more vital than ever for marketers to develop meaningful connections with their customers. Principles of Marketing helps students master today’s key marketing challenge: to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers who make products and brands an integral part of their daily lives. To help students understand how to create value and build customer relationships, Kotler and Armstrong present fundamental marketing information within an innovative customer-value framework. 

Thoroughly revised to reflect the major trends impacting contemporary marketing, the 17th Edition is packed with stories illustrating how companies use new digital technologies to maximize customer engagement and shape brand conversations, experiences, and communities. 

9. The Visionary Leader

The Visionary Leader

Pengarang      :  Susan Bagyura            

Imprint           :  Petaling Jaya :  Golden Books Centre , 2013

Muka surat    :  286 ms   

Sinopsis :

This book does a superb job of empowering readers with tools to change their mindset and bring about success in both their personal life and their business.
Understanding that whatever is happening in a business is a reflection of what is happening in the mind of the person at the top, Susan Bagyura teaches people how to take the lid off their thinking, change their mindset, go after what they really can do, and be prepared for quantum leaps in performance. You cannot just read this book and garner success. You must read study and apply the lessons. These are lessons worth working for and putting into practice. It is a clear, concise guide for leadership development. It creates inner motivation.
"The concepts in The Visionary Leader will work for everyone and every business. It is a fundamental and important book about leadership. It is about getting what you want in all aspects of life, including your business.
My son gave it to me as a boost to someone who must change their direction and succeed. I highly recommend this book.

10.The Wiley Handbook Of Educational Supervision

The Wiley Handbook

Pengarang : Sally J. Zepeda                

Imprint :  Hoboken  : John Wiley & Sons ,  2019

Muka surat :  646 ms 

Sinopsis :

An authoritative guide to educational supervision in today’s complex environment

The Wiley Handbook of Educational Supervision offers a comprehensive resource that explores the evolution of supervision through contributions from a panel of noted experts. The text explores a wealth of topics including recent and dramatic changes in the complex context of today’s schools. This important resource:

  • Describes supervision in a historical context
  • Includes a review of adult learning and professional community
  • Reviews new teacher preparation and comprehensive induction systems
  • Contains perspectives on administrative feedback, peer coaching and collaboration
  • Presents information on professional development and job-embedding learning
  • Examines policy and implementation challenges in teacher evaluation

Written for researchers, policy analysts, school administrators and supervisors, The Wiley Handbook of Educational Supervision draws on concepts, theories and research from other closely related fields of study to enhance and challenge our understanding of educational supervision.

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