header MY040719  


1. Managing Cyber Risk

Managing Cyber Risk

Pengarang   :  Ariel Evans           

Imprint           :  London :  Routledge, 2019 

Mukasurat    :  111 


Cyber risk is the second highest perceived business risk according to U.S. risk managers and corporate insurance experts. Digital assets now represent over 85% of an organization’s value. In a survey of Fortune 1000 organizations, 83% surveyed described cyber risk as an organizationally complex topic, with most using only qualitative metrics that provide little, if any insight into an effective cyber strategy.

Written by one of the foremost cyber risk experts in the world and with contributions from other senior professionals in the field, Managing Cyber Risk provides corporate cyber stakeholders – managers, executives, and directors – with context and tools to accomplish several strategic objectives. These include enabling managers to understand and have proper governance oversight of this crucial area and ensuring improved cyber resilience. Managing Cyber Risk helps businesses to understand cyber risk quantification in business terms that lead risk owners to determine how much cyber insurance they should buy based on the size and the scope of policy, the cyber budget required, and how to prioritize risk remediation based on reputational, operational, legal, and financial impacts.

Directors are held to standards of fiduciary duty, loyalty, and care. These insights provide the ability to demonstrate that directors have appropriately discharged their duties, which often dictates the ability to successfully rebut claims made against such individuals. Cyber is a strategic business issue that requires quantitative metrics to ensure cyber resiliency. This handbook acts as a roadmap for executives to understand how to increase cyber resiliency and is unique since it quantifies exposures at the digital asset level.

2. The Secret of Coaching and Leading by Values

The Secret Coaching

Pengarang    : Simon L. Dolan         

Imprint            : London :  Routledge, 2020

Mukasurat     : 306


Coaches play a major role in helping people understand their values and the values of their surroundings and helping them make choices and adapt. Sometimes the choice may be to find a situation more in sync with your values. Or it may mean working hard on yourself or in concert with your partner, team, or organization. Whatever we need to do to attain it, a positive fit makes for a happier person, and a happier person will be more successful. This accessible and practical book will help coaches, educators, leaders, and managers understand the philosophy, methodology, and tools that can be used to make a person happier, healthier, and more productive at work and in life in general.

This book compiles short vignettes from over a dozen global academics and celebrated executive coaches, sharing information about aligning values in different settings. Based on years of research and written for readers from all walks of life, you will learn that when you understand your core values, place them on a triaxial template, and align them with your definition of success, everything changes. It will help you come out of your comfort zone in order to embrace the future and enhance the quality of your life. For this, you need a concept, a methodology, and effective tools, all of which are offered in this book.

Rich with practical step-by-step methodologies and tools to facilitate values-led leadership, coaching, and mentoring, this book is essential for any change agent, be it a coach, a leader, an educator, or any person who is interested in learning how to become more effective, improve their practice, and engage in self or professional coaching. At the same time, it will enhance leadership qualities.

3. Pendahuluan Kepada Kaedah Penilaian Pelaburan Harta Tanah

Pendahuluan Penilaian

Pengarang   :  Mohd Hasrol Haffiz Aliasak        

Imprint           :  Batu Pahat :  UTHM, 2016

Mukasurat    :  130   

Sinopsis :

Kaedah Penilaian Pelaburan Harta Tanah merupakan salah satu teknik atau kaedah penilaian yang digunakan oleh juruukur penilaian bagi menaksir dan menilai harta tanah pelaburan di mana pendapatan sewa merupakan subjek nilaian utama yang digunakan bagi menentukan nilai modal harta tanah. Penggunaan kaedah ini amat meluas digunakan terutama bagi harta-harta yang boleh menjana pendapatan dalam bentuk sewaan.

Penilaian dan penaksiran ini menggunakan dua faktor penilaian iaitu faktor menilaimodal (Capitalization Factor) dan faktor pendiskaunan (Discounting Factor) nilai modal. Meski pun, penggunaan pelbagai kaedah matematik terutama bagi menentukan nilai faktor menilaimodal dan faktor pendiskaunan, ia dapat membantu jurunilai bagi menaksir serta menggabungkan pendekatan tersebut dengan mengambilkira beberapa elemen yang mempengaruhi penentuan nilai modal harta tanah pelaburan.

Buku ini menerangkan secara ringkas proses awalan penaksiran dan penilaian harta tanah pelaburan dari peringkat asas penggunaan kaedah, penilaian bagi kepentingan pemilik dan pemajak, penentuan pampasan dalam teknik penilaian nilai cantuman dan penaksiran amaun premium harta tanah pelaburan.

Adalah diharapkan buku asas kaedah penilaian harta tanah pelaburan dapat dimanfaatkan ke semua peringkat pembaca sama ada para pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi, jurunilai, perunding harta tanah serta masyarakat umum bagi mengenali kaedah dan pendekatan jurunilai dalam menaksir nilai harta tanah pelaburan.

4. Residential Satisfaction and Housing Policy Evolution


Pengarang   :  Clinton Aigbavboa dan Wellington Thwala   

Imprint           :  London : Routledge, 2018 

Mukasurat    :  224  

Sinopsis :

This book explores residential satisfaction and housing policy trends in developing nations by using subsidised low-income housing examples in South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria as case studies. While there has been much documentation on the formation of residential satisfaction and the evolution of housing policy in developed nations, relatively little has been written about these topics in developing nations.

This book provides readers with two major practical insights: The first is focused on the theoretical underpinning of residential satisfaction and the formation of residential satisfaction in subsidised low-income housing through the development of a conceptual framework, while the second is focused on housing policy evolution and its trends in South Africa. In this section of the book, comparative overviews of public housing in two West African countries are provided with an emphasis on the philosophical basis for its development in these countries. The central aim of the book is to provide readers with ideas on residential satisfaction formation and housing policy trends in South Africa.

5. Interests and Behaviours of Real Estate Market Actors in Commercial Property Valuation


Pengarang   : Alina Nichiforeanu         

Imprint           :  London  :  Routledge, 2021 

Mukasurat    :  121     

Sinopsis :

This book is a theory-led conceptual account of the Principal-Agent problem and related concepts of Behavioural Real Estate economics, a decade after the real estate crisis of 2008. Data from 52 qualitative interviews undertaken with appraisers, real estate brokers, and property owners is used to argue that the reality is more nuanced and influenced by the interests of the different real estate market actors. The book provides a sketch of the relationship dynamics between real estate investors and service providers in the markets of Austria and Central and Eastern Europe.

While the investors manage real estate portfolios and have to deal with particular legal systems, regulations, and norms, they often appoint service providers who have a comprehensive understanding of the local context. This work aims to highlight that this relationship between the real estate market actors creates an information asymmetry that may constitute the basis of conflicts of interest as well as Principal-Agent problems. Furthermore, the work underlines that the services provided by appraisers and real estate brokers to investors may strongly influence the profit the investor can generate from a transaction. It could be therefore inferred that the investor inclines towards a certain type of result from a service provider over the others. The present research has revealed that the investors are guided by certain interests and undertake to steer the service providers in a favoured direction. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the nuances of Behavioural Economics and real estate.

6. Econometric Analyses of International Housing Markets


Pengarang   :  Rita Yi Man Li           

Imprint           :  London  :  Routledge,  2020

Muka surat   :  189   

Sinopsis :

This book explores how econometric modelling can be used to provide valuable insight into international housing markets. Initially describing the role of econometrics modelling in real estate market research and how it has developed in recent years, the book goes on to compare and contrast the impact of various macroeconomic factors on developed and developing housing markets. Explaining the similarities and differences in the impact of financial crises on housing markets around the world, the author's econometric analysis of housing markets across the world provides a broad and nuanced perspective on the impact of both international financial markets and local macro economy on housing markets. With discussion of countries such as China, Germany, UK, US and South Africa, the lessons learned will be of interest to scholars of Real Estate economics around the world.

7. Strategic Management of Research Organizations   

Strategic Mgt

Pengarang   :  William A. Barletta   

Imprint           :  London :  CRC Press, 2020

Muka surat   :  137

Sinopsis :

"This entry-level text describes a tested top-down enterprise-wide approach to managing organizations with a predominant portion of their product being scientific or technological research. It focuses on executive performance and strategic forecasting and planning; goal setting; communications and marketing, and operations management to realize strategic objectives. This book will be of interest to entrepreneurs, established scientists and engineers and to those studying toward an MBA with specialization in research institutions and major research infrastructures, preparing them to move from research or academia into their first managerial position.

It also provides valuable advice and guidance for established middle and senior management in established research enterprises.

  • Features: Provides an accessible and easy to follow introduction to strategic management methodologies.
  • Explores: Best practices for communication, marketing, and risk management
  • Discusses: Workforce management as related to realizing strategic goals and plans

8. Praktik Solat Waktu Kritikal

Praktik Solat

Pengarang   :  Dr. Hj Ahmad Nasir Mohd Yusoff dan Johan Ismail

Imprint         :  Batu Caves  : Mustread, 2019

Muka surat   :  187

Sinopsis :

Pernahkah anda mengalami kesulitan untuk mengerjakan solat ketika dalam perjalanan? Pernahkah anda terlepas menunaikan solat fardhu kerana berada di dalam situasi-situasi di luar kebiasaan, seperti berada dalam kesesakan lalu lintas atau berada di dalam hutan? Mungkin masih ramai antara kita yang menghadapi masalah dan kemusykilan dalam hal-hal berkaitan solat. Buku ini memberi panduan jelas dan lengkap berserta gambar tentang kaedah pelaksanaan solat semasa berada dalam keadaan yang di luar daripada kebiasaan.

Antaranya ialah :

a) Kaedah berwuduk dalam kenderaan

b) Kaedah menentukan arah kiblat

c) Solat jamak dan solat qasar

d) Kaedah solat semasa keuzuran

e)Kaedah solat dalam kenderaan

f)Kaedah solat dengan memakai kasut

9. Mendidik Gaya Rasullullah    

Mendidik Gaya Rasullullah

Pengarang   :  Dr. Shuhadak Mahmud            

Imprint           :  Petaling Jaya :  Geleri ILMU, 2019

Muka surat   :  300     

Sinopsis :

Antara ciri yang perlu ada pada seseorang pendidik ialah kesempurnaan pada akal, tutur kata, pergerakan, penampilan, perwatakan dan tindakan. Semua perkara ini telah jelas terhimpun pada diri Junjungan Mulia kita, Nabi Muhammad SAW. Baginda tiada bandingan pada zamannya, zaman sebelumnya dan pada zaman selepasnya. Kesempurnaan peribadi Baginda dalam setiap aspek diperjelaskan dahulu agar pembaca menjadi yakin dan jelas mengapa teknik-teknik yang Baginda gunakan dalam mendidik dan mengajar mesti dipelajari. Sebanyak 40 teknik mengajar yang dibincangkan dalam buku ini adalah berdasarkan hadis-hadis dan atsar yang diriwayatkan oleh para Sahabat yang mendapat didikan dan pengajaran daripada Rasulullah SAW. Ia sesuai diaplikasikan kepada pelbagai kategori pelajar.

Ketahui teknik-teknik yang digunakan oleh Rasulullah SAW seperti :

  • Perbualan dan pertimbangan akal fikiran
  • Menggabungkan percakapan dengan isyarat
  • Mendiamkan diri dan membenarkan perkara yang berlaku
  • Memberikan nasihat dan peringatan
  • Marah dan bersikap tegas ketika perlu dan banyak lagi

10. 7 Langkah Baiki Diri

7 Langkah Baiki Diri


Pengarang   :  Pahrol Mohamad Juoi             

Imprint           :  Petaling Jaya :  Geleri ILmu,  2019

Muka surat   :  336

Sinopsis :

Sesungguhnya, masalah-masalah yang kita hadapi kini sebenarnya adalah satu cubitan kasih daripada Allah untuk menginsafkan kita agar kembali ke pangkal jalan. Insya-Allah, Allah sekali-kali tidak akan mengecewakan kita. Cuma kitalah yang sering menzalimi dan mengecewakan diri kita sendiri.

Menerima Islam untuk diamalkan dan diperjuangkan samalah seperti menjemput kedatangan rahmat, kekuatan, keamanan dan keindahan. Menerima Islam tidak akan merugikan, menyusahkan dan menjatuhkan kita. Bahkan dengan Islamlah darjat dan maruah kita akan ditinggikan.

Justeru, buku ini ditulis untuk mereka, khususnya para peserta Modul Mukmin Profesional yang sering bertanya:

  • • Mengapa kaedah yang sebegini unik tidak dibukukan?
  • • Alangkah baik kalau modul ini ditulis
  • • Apakah cara saya boleh mengulang kaji bahanbahan dalam modul ini?
  • • Sudah sampai masanya modul yang berkesan ini dibukukan

Buku ini bukan sahaja relevan untuk dijadikan panduan untuk hidup selepas mati, tetapi ia juga relevan untuk hidup sebelum mati.

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