header MY040719  


1. Complex Decision-Making in Economy and Finance

Complex Decision

Pengarang   : Pierre Massotte & Patrick Corsi               

Imprint          : Hoboken: ISTE Ltd / John Wiley Sons, 2019 

Mukasurat    : 333   


Pertinent to modern industry, administration, finance and society, the most pressing issue for firms today is how to reapproach the way we think and work in business.

With topics ranging from improving productivity and coaxing economic growth after periods of market inactivity, Complex Decision-Making in Economy and Finance offers pragmatic solutions for dealing with the critical levels of disorder and chaos that have developed throughout the modern age.

This book examines how to design complex products and systems, the benefits of collective intelligence and self-organization, and the best methods for handling risks in problematic environments. It also analyses crises and how to manage them. This book is of benefit to companies and public bodies with regards to saving assets, reviving fortunes, and laying the groundwork for robust, sustainable societal dividends. Examples, case studies, practical hints and guidelines illustrate the topics, particularly in finance.

2. Land Use Dynamics and Governance in the Sungai Selangor Watershed

Land Use

Pengarang   : Jamilah Mohammad & Goh Hong Ching             

Imprint          : Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya Press, 2015 

Mukasurat    : 169   


Watersheds have been widely recognized as the best scale at which to govern water. At the geographic scale of the watersheds, stakeholders can make decisions on how to manage water resources in a setting more conducive to participation, through coordinated development and management of water, land, and related resources, economic and social welfare can be optimized without compromising sustainability of vital environmental systems. Sungai Selangor is an important water resource for the state of Selangor. It is the major contributor in meeting water demand to the Selangor State and Kuala Lumpur. Since early days, Sungai Selangor has played a central role in the development of settlements in northern Selangor.

The research described here is an attempt to understand the development forces operating in the Sungai Selangor watershed. The approach taken is intentionally multi-disciplinary, as it attempts to paint a broad-brush picture of the current situation within the Sungai Selangor watershed. Increasing pressures on land development is a major factor that causes land use conflicts in the watershed. Spatial-environmental governance should improve collaboration and connections between citizens and decision-makers at the watershed scale. Many issues within the economic, social, or environmental realm necessitate an understanding of the spatial context within which such forces operate.

The book is organized in ten chapters, each chapter being devoted towards addressing specific issues considered prevalent or outstanding within the community living within the watershed. Although the book has been written in an academic manner, it should also appeal to the public and students in higher education institutions as it relates to topical issues. Beginner researchers may find that the discussion of various issues within a location-specific context might spark off their own research on aspects that appeal to their own area of expertise.

3. Cases on People Readiness for Information Systems in the Construction Sector

 Cases on People

Pengarang   : Hafez Salleh & Nur Mardhiyah Aziz           

Imprint          : Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 2018 

Mukasurat    : 111     

Sinopsis :

The emergence of information systems (IS) has changed traditional work processes in many industries, including the construction industry. The perceived benefits of IS reported by researchers have motivated many construction organisations to adopt IS in their work processes.

However, many reports indicate that IS investments failed to meet the anticipated objectives, exceeded budget, and were completed behind schedule. Findings from the literature show that the poor rate of success in implementing IS in the construction industry is due to the failure to address people issues within the organisation.

People issues are clearly significant, yet neglected and need to be considered for successful IS implementation. Thus, to measure people readiness or capabilities of an organisation prior to implementation of IS is extremely important to ensure its successful application.

Five real cases in construction organisations presented in this book will help managers identify the improvements needed to successfully implement IT/IS.

4. Strata Management Practice & Procedure: A Comprehensive Explanation on The Processes, Forms & Precedents

Starata Mgt

Pengarang   : Lai Chee Hoe             

Imprint          : Ampang, Selangor: Malaysian Current Law Journal Sdn Bhd,

Mukasurat    : 946  

Sinopsis :

Strata Management Practice & Procedure is a book which serves as a tool of reference and quick guide for those involved in the practical and procedural aspects of this area of law. The salient topics and contents covered in the book provide a step-by-step guide in understanding the functions and statutory duties carried out by the Developer and Management Bodies involved in the day-to-day tasks of adhering to the relevant rules and regulations governing strata management. Inter alia, this book caters to the process of recovery of charges, applying different rates of charges, preparing for the establishment of the Subsidiary Management Corporation, amending by-laws to regulate Air B&B activities et cetera. The Strata Management Act 2013, the Strata Titles Act 1985, the Strata Management (Maintenance and Management) Regulations 2015 and the Strata Management (Compounding of Offences) Regulations 2019 are some of the important legislations addressed in this book.

The development of case laws, checklist, standard templates, and relevant forms, including sample resolutions to be tabled at a general meeting, sample tribunal forms and various tables are provided in this book. That aside, this book covers the provisions and ambit of laws involved to cater for compliance in respect of strata management issues and can be used with much profit by legal practitioners, property managers, managing agents, Joint Management Committees and other relevant bodies.

 5. Property Rating in Malaysia: Uniformity in Property Rate Charge

 Property Rating

Pengarang   : Sani Habibu, Bakri Ibn Ishak & Abdul-Hadi Bin Nawawi           

Imprint           : Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017 

Mukasurat    : 146  

Sinopsis :

Malaysia Constitution is structured in such a manner to allow state Governments make laws and legislation to suite their local circumstances in line with parent Acts on those areas covered in the concurrent list. This intention is not intended to create operational dichotomy and disharmony within local authority councils regardless of their state. It is equally not the intention of the Act to create inequality and unfairness among citizens through differential tax charges and treatments, yet the act provided for adoption of annual and capital value bases of assessment at varying percentages and at the discretion of state provided it falls within 1-35% of annual value and 1-5% of capital value. This have resulted in varying rate liabilities among comparable properties enjoying the same public services at different states and local government thus creating inequality and no uniformity among rate payers thereby falling short of taxation principle.

 6. Asas Perakaunan dalam Perniagaan

Asas Perakaunan

Pengarang   : Kamilah Ahmad

Imprint           : Batu Pahat, Johor: Penerbit UTHM, 2016

Muka surat   : 187  

Sinopsis :

Buku asas perakaunan dihasilkan bagi memberi penerangan yang jelas kepada individu atau pelajar yang memerlukan pengetahuan dalam bidang perakaunan. Buku ini boleh juga digunakan oleh staf pentadbiran sesebuah organisasi bagi mendapatkan kefahaman ringkas dalam konsep asas perakaunan.

Perincian maklumat dibuat tidak terlalu teknikal dan bersesuaian dengan tujuan penerbitan buku ini. Buku ini turut menyediakan latihan di setiap bab bagi memberi peluang kepada pengguna untuk mempraktikkan kefahaman dan kemahiran mengikut bab. Sampel jawapan diberikan bagi soalan-soalan terpilih di setiap bab bagi memudahkan latihan.

7. Protokol dalam Pengurusan Majlis

Protokol Pengurusan Majlis

Pengarang   :  Hammad Farhi Mohd Saudi & Mohd Zaini Othman            

Imprint           :  Nilai, Negeri Sembilan: Penerbit USIM, 2021

Muka surat   :  128  

Sinopsis :

Buku Protokol dalam Pengurusan Majlis ini amat berguna dan bermanfaat untuk dijadikan rujukan kepada pegawai, kakitangan agensi kerajaan, swasta mahupun individu yang terlibat secara langsung dalam tugas pengendalian sesuatu majlis di pelbagai peringkat khususnya yang melibatkan tetamu kehormat dan kenamaan.

Topik yang dipilih dan diketengahkan merupakan elemen-elemen penting untuk dijadikan rujukan dalam penganjuran sesebuah majlis agar penganjur dapat merancang, mengawal, menyelaras, memimpin dan mengatur segala keperluan serta perjalanan sesebuah majlis yang dianjurkan menepati amalan pengurusan dan pengendalian protokol yang terbaik.

8. Ensiklopedia Pengubatan Herba: Terapi Alternatif Kedoktoran Islam


Pengarang   : Dr. Khalid Gadd              

Imprint          : Selangor: Al-Hidayah, 2011

Muka surat   : 578

Sinopsis :

Kesihatan adalah anugerah Allah SWT yang perlu dihargai oleh setiap manusia. Kepentingan menjaga kesihatan sangat ditekankan di dalam Islam. Kesibukan manusia dengan kehidupan seharian terkadang melekakan mereka daripada mengambil berat terhadap persoalan kesihatan dan menjaganya.

Ensiklopedia Pengubatan Herba Terapi Alternatif Kedoktoran Islam oleh Dr. Khalid Gadd adalah sebuah buku yang menberi panduan tentang khasiat tumbuh-tumbuhan dan bahan-bahan semulajadi ciptaan Allah SWT untuk menghindari serta mengubati penyakit-penyakit termasuk penyakit kronik seperti kanser dan sebagainya. Buku ini padat dengan petua-petua yang digali daripada Al-Quran, Hadis Rasulullah SAW serta kajian-kajian penyelidik Islam dan juga barat.

Penulis ingin membawa pembaca untuk memahami bahawa Islam amat menitikberatkan berkenaan pencegahan penyakit serta meyakini penyembuhan penyakit tertakluk kepada usaha penyakit dengan keizinan Allah SWT. Resepi-resepi terapi alternatif yang diketengahkan mudah untuk dipraktikkan oleh pesakit.

Ensiklopedia ini perlu dimiliki dan dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber rujukan oleh setiap keluarga, pelajar-pelajar bidang kedoktoran dan mereka yang berminat untuk membantu pesakit.

9. Alam Bina dan Transformasi Kehidupan Lestari

Alam Bina

Pengarang   : Azlan Shah Ali, Rosilawati Zainol, Anuar Alias            

Imprint           : Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 2018

Muka surat   : 181

Sinopsis :

Buku ini membincangkan konsep transformasi kehidupan lestari melalui pendekatan alam bina dengan cara mengintegrasikan pengurusan pengetahuan, pengurusan fasiliti, penyenggaraan dan polisi bandar lestari. Ia menawarkan kepada pembaca satu pengetahuan yang berasaskan kajian yang dijalankan bagi mendepani isu alam bina yang kompleks bagi mencapai gaya kehidupan lestari.

Buku ini secara umumnya memberi panduan bagaimana sesuatu kehidupan lestari dapat dicapai dengan mengambil kira aspek persekitaran, pengurusan aset dan fasiliti dengan cara mengintegrasikan pengurusan pengetahuan ke dalam kehidupan harian. Maklumat yang dipaparkan dalam buku ini adalah berdasarkan penyelidikan teori dan praktikal. Oleh yang demikian pembaca akan mendapati bahawa buku ini memberikan cetusan pengetahuan dan tindakan amali kehidupan lestari dalam lingkaran persekitaran bangunan, alam fizikal dan kejiranan hijau. Semua pembaca berhak untuk menikmati transformasi kehidupan lestari dalam ruang persekitaran masing-masing.

10. Manuskrip Melayu yang Hilang    



Pengarang   : Naim Tamdjis                 

Imprint           : Kuala Lumpur: Patriots Publishing,  2020

Muka surat   : 191   

Sinopsis :

“Terdapat hampir 20,000 manuskrip Melayu bertebaran di seluruh dunia terutama di Eropah tetapi hanya 5% sahaja yang dikaji!” – Prof Uli Kozok, Universiti Hawai.

Malah generasi sekarang atau dahulu tidak terdedah dan mengetahui tentang kekayaan ilmu orang Melayu dahulu kala yang terakam dalam manuskrip Melayu.

Bukan sahaja ilmu mengenai hikayat serta cerita penglipur lara, undang-undang dan agama tetapi manuskrip yang terakam turut menyentuh mengenai bab ekonomi, sains dan teknologi, astronomi dan astrologi, nikah kahwin serta adat dan pelbagai lagi.

Malah unsur mistik juga turut dimasukkan ke dalam manuskrip Melayu seperti cara membuat sihir, jampi dan serapah, gambaran wajah dan bentuk jin serta syaitan.

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