header MY040719  


1. The Art of Business Valuation: Accurately Valuing a Small Business

 The Art Of Business'

Pengarang   : Gregory R. Caruso               

Imprint          : New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, 2020 

Mukasurat    : 407   


Starting from the practical viewpoint of, “I would rather be approximately right than perfectly wrong” this book provides a common sense comprehensive framework for small business valuation that offers solutions to common problems faced by valuators and consultants both in performing valuations and providing ancillary advisory services to business owners, sellers, and buyers. If you conduct small business valuations, you may be seeking guidance on topics and problems specific to your work. Focus on What Matters: A Different Way of Valuing a Small Business fills a previous void in valuation resources. It provides a practical and comprehensive framework for small and very small business valuation (Companies under $10 million of revenues and often under $5 million of revenues), with a specialized focus on the topics and problems that confront valuators of these businesses.

Larger businesses typically have at least Reviewed Accrual Accounting statements as a valuation starting point. However, smaller businesses rarely have properly reviewed and updated financials. Focus on What Matters looks at the issue of less reliable data, which affects every part of the business valuation. You’ll find valuation solutions for facing this challenge.

As a small business valuator, you can get direction on working with financial statements of lower quality. You can also consider answers to key questions as you explore how to value each small business.

2. Qualified Appraisals and Qualified Appraisers: Expert Tax Valuation       witness Reports, Testimony, Procedure, Law and Perspective


Pengarang   : Michael R. Devitt             

Imprint          : New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2018 

Mukasurat    : 282   


Qualified Appraisers and Qualified Appraisals provides clarification on complex IRS guidelines and offers solutions and insight that can help appraisers adhere to the latest Treasury Regulations concerning appraisals submitted in tax matters. From the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice to IRS regulations, this book explores the body of law that has arisen around the production of “qualified appraisals” that the government and courts will accept. The discussion covers estate, gift, charitable contribution, income taxes, and more, with expert guidance on the interpretation and application of complex regulations. As appraisers often are called upon to provide expert testimony in court, this book shares effective methods including the novel “hot-tubbing” technique that eliminates the appearance of bias in favour of a less-adversarial discussion. Cases are dissected as they relate to application of existing appraisal laws, and the companion website features checklists, references, and additional cases as they become available.

The IRS regulations on qualified appraisers and qualified appraisals have sparked a storm of controversy and have raised more questions than they have answered. This book acknowledges the problems and offers solutions to help appraisers produce work the IRS and courts will accept.

  • Understand the laws surrounding “qualified appraisals” and “qualified appraisers”;
  • Gain insight on testifying as an expert, including new techniques;
  • Explore solutions to common issues the IRS raises with respect to qualified appraisals and qualified appraisers; and
  • Examine cases that illustrate the nuances of appraisal law application.

For an appraisal to satisfy the government, an appraisal must be performed by a “qualified appraiser” specific for the type of property in question.

3. The Ultimate Dictionary of Real Estate Terms


Pengarang   : Allan Susoeff           

Imprint          : Alkansas, California: Think Tank Green, 2020 

Mukasurat    : 247     

Sinopsis :

More than 4300 Real Estate Terms Explained with Clear and Concise Definitions. For Real Estate Investors, Homeowners, Agents and Brokers. From "Abacus" to "Zoning Permit", and everything in between, this handy, easy-to-use dictionary, will define all you need to know in the world of real estate. The text contains more than 4300 words and concepts, defined in simple easy to understand content. Whether you are a first home buyer, an agent or broker, or a real estate investor, this book is an essential reference to clarify the oftentimes complex terms and legalese that you find in every aspect of buying, selling, owning and associating with real estate.

4Value in a Changing Built Environment

Changing Built

Pengarang   : David Lorenz             

Imprint          : New Jersey:  John Wiley & Sons, 2018 

Mukasurat    : 234  

Sinopsis :

A new framework for understanding the underpinnings of real estate property value and the role it plays in the larger economy.

Value in a Changing Built Environment examines the professional foundations on which the valuation exercise and the valuation profession rest. Written by noted experts in the field, the book addresses the often-limited understanding of the concept of property value by explaining the intrinsic linkages between economic, environmental, social, and cultural measures and components of property value. The book offers a framework that paves the way towards a more holistic approach to property value.

Value in a Changing Built Environment unwraps many of the traditional assumptions that have underpinned market participants' decision making over the last few decades. The authors explore the concept that a blindfold application of valuation theories and approaches adopted from finance is unlikely to be able to cope with the nature of property as an economic and public good.

5. Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change 7th Edition

Managing Inovation

Pengarang   : Joe Tidd           

Imprint           : New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2021 

Mukasurat    : 594  

Sinopsis :

Now in its seventh edition, Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change enables graduate and undergraduate students to develop the unique skill set and the foundational knowledge required to successfully manage innovation, technology, and new product development. This bestselling text has been fully updated with new data, new methods, and new concepts while still retaining its holistic approach the subject. The text provides an integrated, evidence-based methodology to innovation management that is supported by the latest academic research and the authors’ extensive experience in real-world management practice.

Students are provided with an impressive range of learning tools including numerous case studies, illustrative examples, discussions questions, and key information boxes - to help them explore the innovation process and its relation to the markets, technology, and the organization. “Research Notes" examine the latest evidence and topics in the field, while "Views from the Front Line" offer insights from practicing innovation managers and connect the covered material to actual experiences and challenges. Throughout the text, students are encouraged to apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills to business model innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, service innovation, and many more current and emerging approaches and practices.

6. Penilaian Impak Alam Sekeliling dan Pembangunan Perumahan di Lereng Bukit

Penilaian Impak

Pengarang   : Seow Ta Wee              

Imprint          : Batu Pahat, Johor: Penerbit UTHM, 2015

Muka surat   : 159  

Sinopsis :

Isu Pelaksanaan dan penguatkuasaan Penilaian Impak Alam Sekeliling (Environmental Impact Assessment – EIA) dalam kalangan industri pembinaan merupakan satu isu yang sentiasa dipertikaikan terutamanya berkaitan dengan pembangunan di kawasan lereng bukit. Buku ini cuba mengetengahkan isu khususnya berkaitan dengan pembangunan perumahan di kawasan lereng bukit. Buku ini turut menghuraikan isu-isu berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pembangunan di kawasan lereng bukit di Malaysia.

Dalam pada itu, penulis juga mengupas isu-isu berkaitan penguatkuasaan EIA di Malaysia yang disebabkan oleh masalah pemaju yang ingkar, penipuan maklumat serta keingkaran pemaju atau pemilik tanah yang tidak melaksanakan langkah-langkah pencegahan. Masalah ketidakpatuhan EIA di kawasan lereng bukit telah memberi kesan kepada kejadian hakisan tanah, kesan ke atas kestabilan cerun dan kesan ke atas landskap. Kaedah penyelesaian kepada isu penguatkuasaan EIA adalah untuk mencapai kelestarian pembangunan di kawasan lereng bukit terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan isu perundangan, persekitaran, kerjasama pihak yang terlibat, kaedah pemantauan yang efektif, kaedah kepakaran teknikal, ketelusan semua pihak, etika dan sikap profesional turut dikritik dalam penulisan ini.

Lima elemen model yang menyokong penguatkuasaan berkesan telah dibentuk dan dihuraikan dengan teliti oleh penulis berdasarkan kepada kajian kes di kawasan sekitar Negeri Selangor. Kelima-lima elemen model tersebut telah memberi nafas baru dalam isu penguatkuasaan EIA di Malaysia.

Buku ini amat sesuai dijadikan sebagai buku rujukan kepada para penyelidik, pelajar universiti, pensyarah, pihak yang melaksanakan penguatkuasaan EIA serta sesiapa yang berminat dengan kajian EIA dan isu penguatkuasaan EIA di Malaysia.

7. Be Less Zombie: How Great Companies Create Dynamic Innovation,Fearless Leadership and Passionate People

Be Less Zombie

Pengarang   : Elvin Turner            

Imprint           : New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2020

Muka surat   : 385

Sinopsis :

Be Less Zombie distils 10 years of field research amongst some of the world's leading innovators into a pragmatic, actionable toolkit. Designed for managers who need more remarkable innovation with repeatable, scalable approaches, it shows readers how to:

  • De-risk bolder, more profitable innovation;
  • Make innovation a predictable and measurable capability;
  • Equip managers with essential tools and skills for leading innovation and transformation; and
  • Help teams find new capacity and energy to deliver today's business whilst discovering tomorrow's.

Turner’s research also delves beyond the business world. He brings insights from a wide range of unexpected, expert sources including a guerrilla negotiator, a cage-fighter trainer, an X-Factor coach, a senior emergency room doctor, and a fashion designer.

His 'Turn It On' innovation framework gives leaders and managers tools, processes and pathways to make bolder and more profitable innovation an inevitability, not an anomaly.

8. Row the Boat: A Never-Give-Up Approach to Lead with Enthusiasm and Optimism and Improve Your Team and Culture

Row The Boat

Pengarang   : Jon Gardon          

Imprint           : New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2021

Muka surat   : 120   

Sinopsis :

In Row the Boat, Minnesota Golden Gophers Head Coach P.J. Fleck and bestselling author Jon Gordon deliver an inspiring message about what you can achieve when you approach life with a never-give-up philosophy. The book shows you how to choose enthusiasm and optimism as your guiding lights instead of being defined by circumstances and events outside of your control.  

Discover how to put the three key components of row the boat into practice in your life:  

  • The Oar: The energy. Only you can dictate whether your oar is in the water or whether you take it out and decide not to use it.  
  • The Boat: The sacrifice. The more you give, serve, and make your life about helping others, the better and more fulfilled your life will be, and the bigger your boat gets.  
  • The Compass: The direction. The vision you have for your life and the people you surround yourself with help create the dream of where you want to go.  

Perfect for athletes, coaches, business leaders, and anyone else who hopes to squeeze a little more enjoyment and productivity out of life, Row the Boat will propel leaders, teams, and organizations to greater heights than they have ever reached before.

9. Pasport Jenazah

Pasport Jenazah 

Pengarang   :  Shakirah Md Din             

Imprint           :  Klang: Hamare Publication, 2021

Muka surat   :  252   

Sinopsis :

Pasport Jenazah merupakan kisah hidup saya yang diuji dengan penyakit kanser pada usia 45 tahun. Saya berkongsi pengalaman melawan penyakit yang dianggap oleh masyarakat sebagai 'Pasport Untuk Mati'.

Rawatan demi rawatan yang disulami dengan ujian demi ujian akhirnya berjaya diharungi dengan semangat dan sokongan daripada Pokji Laling. Semua kesusahan dan penderitaan akhirnya lenyap apabila saya mendapat anugerah yang begitu berharga daripada Tuhan Empunya Nyawa.

Di sebalik nikmat yang ditarik, tersembunyi kesedaran di hujung perjuangan. Kini, saya telah kembali bekerja dan menikmati kehidupan yang masih diberi pinjam oleh-Nya.

"Bekerjalah seperti kita akan hidup selamanya dan beribadahlah seperti kita akan mati sebentar lagi.

10. Malaikat Bertali Leher

Malaikat Bertali Leher

Pengarang   : Amirul Azmeer Asmadi                

Imprint           : Batu Caves: Puteh Press,  2020

Muka surat   : 274   

Sinopsis :

Tidak perlu tunggu jadi baik untuk membuat kebaikan, kerana siapa-siapa sahaja mampu berbuat baik. Usah ditunggu malaikat turun membawa kebaikan, kerana di dalam jiwa kita sudah ada malaikat yang terpendam.

Malaikat Bertali Leher menghimpunkan kisah-kisah benar, anekdot tentang orang biasa yang membuat kebaikan, yang tidak mengharapkan pembalasan. Manusia-manusia yang berlatar belakang biasa-biasa, yang ikhlas, yang membuatkan mereka menjadi luar biasa.

Kandungan buku :

Bab 1 : Pengemis Akhirat

Bab 2 : Nak Hidup Kena Kental

Bab 3 : Tauladan dengan Pakaian

Bab 4 : Biar Terlepas Stesen, Jangan Terlepas Nyawa

Bab 5 : Bangun Ketika Bersalam

Bab 6 : Remeh yang Bukan Biasa

Bab 7 : Kekal Merendah Diri

Bab 8 : Kalam Tuhan

Bab 9 : Zikir di Mana-Mana

Bab 10 : Bahagia Itu Milik Tuhan