1. Real Estate License Exams for Dummies 4th ed.
Pengarang : John A. Yoegel
Imprint : New Jersey : Wiley, 2021
Mukasurat : 443
Feel right at home with the real estate license exam
To get your foot in the door of the competitive real-estate trade, your first port of call is passing your state exam. Real Estate License Exams for Dummies gives you the building blocks to help you succeed in order to get moving in this lucrative career. It’ll guide you through the latest information on contracts, deeds, appraisals, leasing, and mortgage types - plus four complete practice tests to make sure you know your way around the real thing.
Written in a friendly, step-by-step style by expert instructor John A. Yoegel, it offers proven test-taking strategies and study techniques that will help you negotiate the big day and have you signing on the dotted line to make that first big sale in no time!
- Take 4 complete practice tests with answers
- Access real estate laws for all 50 states
- Get grounded in real estate terminology
- Study on-the-go with flashcards
If you want to move quickly into your dream career, there’s really no better key than this trusted, bestselling guide!
2. Early Stage Valuation : a Fair Value Perspective
Pengarang : Antonella Puca
Imprint : New Jersey : John Wiler & Sons, 2020
Mukasurat : 359
Addresses significant developments in the valuation of early - stage enterprises at fair value with emphasis on practical applications - features a broad selection of case studies of early stage valuation
Early - Stage Valuation: A Fair Value Perspective provides a comprehensive review of the current methodologies used to value Early - Stage Enterprises (ESEs) at fair value for financial reporting, investment, and mergers and acquisitions. Author Antonella Puca, Senior Director with Alvarez and Marsal Valuation Services in New York, provides accurate, up-to-date information on recent guidelines and new approaches for valuation assessments.
This authoritative guide examines how to apply market analysis, discounted cash flows models, statistical techniques such as option pricing models (OPM) and Monte Carlo simulation, the venture capital method and non-GAAP metrics to ESE valuation. The text considers the most recent AICPA, Appraisal Foundation and IPEV guidance, and examines developments in both academic research and venture capital investor practice. Numerous real-world case studies illustrate early - stage valuation suitable for structuring sound, internally consistent business transactions. Covering current trends and the latest regulatory guidance in the area, this book:
- Provides step-by-step guidance on practical valuation applications
- Reflects current standards for ESE valuation, including the AICPA Guide to the Valuation of Portfolio Company Investments, the IPEV guidelines and guidance from the Appraisal Foundation
- Covers new approaches to the valuation of ESEs with option pricing models, Monte Carlo Simulation, calibration and non-GAAP metrics
- Offers an overview of start-up valuation
- Discusses how intangible assets are impacting the valuation of ESEs
Early - Stage Valuation: A Fair Value Perspective is an essential resource for valuation specialists, private equity and venture capital fund managers, analysts, attorneys, investment bankers, regulators and auditors, and investors with interest in the private equity and venture capital industry.
3. Real Estate Titans : 7 Key Lessons from the World's Top Real Estate Investors
Pengarang : Erez Cohen
Imprint : New Jersey : Wiley, 2019
Mukasurat : 286
Sinopsis :
A complete guide for the real estate industry
Fresh out of college, Erez Cohen set foot in an investment banking firm. Whether through luck or fortune, he was assigned a position with the real estate group. He was handed a book that soon birthed his love affair with real estate that continues to this day.
In Real Estate Titans, Cohen draws on his personal experiences wherein he became a teacher and research assistant to his mentor, Dr. Linneman. During that time, he met, talked, and heard stories from distinguished real estate titans, such as Stephen Ross, Barry Sternlicht, Sam Zell, Steven Roth, et al. This informative time placed him in a unique position to collect knowledge from many of these titans. Surrounded by so many titans, Erez's curiosity grew and resulted in the key lessons you'll discover inside.
- What inspires these titans to work so hard and reach such extraordinary levels of success?
- What are the main elements and traits inside of them that propel them to be so grandiose?
- How have these individuals, which most of the time had less resources and talent, succeeded on a much bigger scale than so many of their competitors?
In Real Estate Titans, Erez reveals the seven key lessons he learned from his journey of discovery - key lessons that revealed themselves both through these interviews and his time working with multiple mentors and magnates in his careers
4. Banking, Lending and Real Estate
Pengarang : Claudio Scardovi
Imprint : London : Routledge, 2019
Mukasurat : 175
Sinopsis :
This book deals directly with the risk / return multiple trade-offs coming out of the closely intertwined relationship between banking and real estate. The authors explore how banks could embrace a more proactive approach to make the most of their, mostly ‘long only’, exposure to real estate, and create positive spill over effects on their real estate counterparts and the sector as a whole. It provides a "state of the art" representation and analysis of the strategies that best practices in banking are adopting to manage these issues and plan for a new set of interrelations, driving a "virtuous circle" as opposed to the current one.
Banking, Lending and Real Estate is built on the academic knowhow and professional expertise of the authors, who have been researching, writing and working on this joint topic for over a decade. With its pragmatic approach, it allows the reader to capture which leading hedge active and holistic approaches are available today and proven to treat, for example, the banks’ overexposure to this asset class; to manage "unlikely to pay" and sub-performing positions; and to optimize the recovery value coming from the work out of real estate related NPL (and underlying assets). Case studies and relevant examples are provided, leveraging on the authors’ experience in consulting projects in the EMEA region and from working with global, regional and domestic banks and the real estate players acting across its value chain.
This book will appeal to both academics and business practitioners within the banking, financial services and real estate sectors, as well as professionals from financial and strategic/industrial advisory working in those fields.
5. The Organisation of Tomorrow : How AI, Blokchain and Analytics Turn Your Business Into a Data Organisation
Pengarang : Dr. Mark Van Rijmenam
Imprint : New York : Routledge, 2020
Mukasurat : 192
Sinopsis :
The Organisation of Tomorrow presents a new model of doing business and explains how big data analytics, blockchain and artificial intelligence force us to rethink existing business models and develop organisations that will be ready for human-machine interactions. It also asks us to consider the impacts of these emerging information technologies on people and society.
Big data analytics empowers consumers and employees. This can result in an open strategy and a better understanding of the changing environment. Blockchain enables peer-to-peer collaboration and trustless interactions governed by cryptography and smart contracts. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence allows for new and different levels of intensity and involvement among human and artificial actors. With that, new modes of organising are emerging: where technology facilitates collaboration between stakeholders; and where human-to-human interactions are increasingly replaced with human-to-machine and even machine-to-machine interactions. This book offers dozens of examples of industry leaders such as Walmart, Telstra, Alibaba, Microsoft and T-Mobile, before presenting the D2 + A2 model – a new model to help organisations datafy their business, distribute their data, analyse it for insights and automate processes and customer touchpoints to be ready for the data-driven and exponentially-changing society that is upon us
This book offers governments, professional services, manufacturing, finance, retail and other industries a clear approach for how to develop products and services that are ready for the twenty-first century. It is a must-read for every organisation that wants to remain competitive in our fast-changing world.
6. Mapping Motivation for Leadership
Pengarang : James Sale
Imprint : Oxon : Routledge, 2020
Muka surat : 179
Sinopsis :
This is a practical guide to leadership in the 21st century and builds on the ‘4+1’ model outlined in the author's original book Mapping Motivation: Unlocking the Key to Employee Energy and Engagement. There is an increasing body of evidence, that the single most important aspect of being a leader relates to managing emotions effectively, and this management goes way beyond simply ‘understanding’ emotional intelligence; it is in fact a practice and one that is intimately connected with personal development and growth, and with energy. Energy, as Mapping Motivation made clear, is synonymous with motivation. The effective leaders of tomorrow will be those who understand their motivators, who regularly measure their motivators, sustain and replenish and maximise their motivators, and who do the same for their employees.
Clearly, there is a link here with the book on engagement, for leaders who do so will engage their employees. However, this book not only covers the motivational side of leadership, but also explores in detail the skill sets necessary in the ‘4+1’ model: thinking skills, action skills, team skills and motivational skills plus that indefinable ‘something’ that is a commitment to personal development, so that we as leaders are not trying to solve today’s problems with yesterday’s training as our only internal resource.
7. Property Investment Theory
Pengarang : A. R. Macleary
Imprint : Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2015
Muka surat : 162
Sinopsis :
This up-to-date reference on property investment highlights the problems with existing techniques of property valuation and appraisal and identifies possible ways forward for both research and practice.
8. Nota Kasih Smart Parents
Pengarang : IBU ROSE
Imprint : Batu Cave : Publishing House, 2019
Muka surat : 191
Sinopsis :
Bahasa yang digunakan penulis seperti mendengar nasihat seorang ibu yang ditulis.
Bahasa yang lembut, dicampur dengan pengisian menarik (pengalaman, info keibubapaan dan nota kasih di setiap tajuk) sememangnya memujuk pembaca untuk kekal positif dan berusaha sehabis baik dalam melaksanakan amanah sebagai ibu bapa. Sesuai untuk ibubapa dari semua peringkat usia.
Buku ni bagus untuk panduan ibubapa. Ada satu bahagian di dalam buku ini yang menarik, iaitu :
“ Kalau hendak cari pengasuh, pilihlah yang dapat membina jati diri anak-anak. Jika tidak dapat lakukan, luangkanlah masa bersama anak-anak dengan lebih kerap. Dan satu lagi, kalau hendak berjaya, kita perlu pilih tempat tinggal yang baik, pilih kawan-kawan yang bagus sebab orang-orang di sekeliling kita sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan anak-anak.
9. Ajaibnya Sedekah : Semakin Bersedekah, Semakin Kaya
Pengarang : Muhammad Muhyidin
Imprint : Publishing House : Batu Caves, 2019
Muka surat : 147
Sinopsis :
- Benarkah sedekah mampu membantu individu menjadi lebih kaya?
- Bagaimana bersedekah mampu menjadikan seorang Muslim itu menjadi lebih kaya?
- Apakah cara sedekah yang betul?
- Keajaiban-keajaiban sedekah dan teknik mengenal pasti keajaiban-keajaiban?
Sama ada percaya ataupun tidak, sedekah adalah ibadah yang wajib. la adalah ibadah yang tidak selari dengen hukum ekonomi moden. Semakin banyak yang dikeluarkan tanpa kepentingan, semakin bertambah pendapatan dan semakin kaya.
Namun, itulah jutaan keajaiban, misteri dan rahsia keagungan ibadah sedekah yang diberikan oleh Allah S.W.T kepada Muslim yang sanggup bersedekah.
Ajaibnya Sedekah membicarakan mengenai keajaiban dan mukjizat sedekah khususnya dalam meningkatkan kekayaan dan kebahagiaan. la juga memberikan penjelasan mengenai hubung kait antara sedekah dan rezeki dalam satu rumus matematik sedekah. la turut membincangkan mengenai mukjizat sedekah dalam menghindar penyakit dan memanjangkan usia. Marilah terokai keajaiban dan mukjizat melalui Ajaibnya Sedekah.
10. Ms. Kucing vs Mr. Cat
Pengarang : Hasreeyati Ramli
Imprint : Petaling Jaya : Karya Publika, 2019
Muka surat : 631
Sinopsis :
Cerita mengisahkan tentang Katrina yang pulang ke rumahnya setelah tamat pengajiannya, dia membela seekor kucing putih yang ditemuinya terbiar ketika dia mencari kucing putihnya yang bernama Snow White yang telah hilang. Rupa-rupanya kucing tersebut ialah kucing jirannya yang baru berpindah. Berlaku perebutan di antara mereka berdua.
Hamshar, yang sering membulinya menjadikan suasana sering menjadi tidak keruan, hinggakan terjadi salah faham di antara dua buah keluarga. Pelbagai peristiwa terjadi di antara mereka berdua ketika mereka terpaksa berkongsi hadiah yang sama ketika percutian mereka di Bandung yang menyaksikan pengeboman di sebuah pusat membeli belah terbesar di sana. Ketika hendak menyelamatkan Katrina, Hamshar telah ditimpa kemalangan. Adakah Katrina akan membantu Hamshar mengembalikan semula ingatan lelaki itu?