header MY040719  


1. Unlocking Land Law 6th ed

Unlocking Land Law

Pengarang     : Judith Bray               

Imprint            : London : Routledge, 2019 

Mukasurat      : 489   


Unlocking Land Law will help you grasp the main concepts of this core subject with ease. Containing accessible explanations in clear and precise terms that are easy to understand, it provides an excellent foundation for learning and revising land law.

The information is clearly presented in a logical structure and the following features support learning, helping you to advance with confidence:

  • Clear learning outcomes at the beginning of each chapter set out the skills and knowledge you will need to get to grips with the subject;
  • Key facts summaries throughout each chapter allow you to progressively build and consolidate your understanding;
  • End-of-chapter summaries provide a useful check-list for each topic;
  • Cases and judgments are highlighted to help you find them and add them to your notes quickly;
  • Frequent activities and self-test questions are included so you can put your knowledge into practice;
  • Sample essay questions with annotated answers prepare you for assessment.

2. Housing and Home Unbound 

Housing Home Unbound

Pengarang     : Nicole Cook            

Imprint            : London :  Routledge, 2020 

Mukasurat      : 239  


Housing and Home Unbound pioneers’ understandings of housing and home as a meeting ground in which intensive practices, materials and meanings tangle with extensive economic, environmental and political worlds. Cutting across disciplines, the book opens the conceptual and empirical study of housing and home by exploring the coproduction of the concrete and the abstract, the intimate and the institutional, the experiential and the collective.

Exploring diverse examples in Australia and New Zealand, contributors address the interleaving of money and materials in the digital commodity of real estate, the neoliberal invention of housing as a liquid asset and source of welfare provision, and the bundling of car and home in housing markets. The more-than-human relations of housing and home are articulated through the role of suburban nature in the making of Australian modernity, the marketing of nature in waterfront urban renewal, the role of domestic territory in subversive social movements such as Seasteading and Tiny Houses, and the search for home comfort through low-cost energy efficiency practices. The transformative politics of housing and home are explored through the decolonizing of housing tenure, the shaping of housing policy by urban social movements, the lived importance of marginal spaces in Indigenous and other housing, and the affective lessons of the ruin. Beginning with the diverse elements gathered in housing and home, the text opens up the complex realities and possibilities of human dwelling.

3. Business Skills for Surveyors     

Business Skill Surveyors

Pengarang     : Austen Imber             

Imprint            : London : Routledge, 2018 

Mukasurat      : 209   

Sinopsis :

To get ahead, surveyors require business and managerial acumen as well as technical skills. Business Skills for Surveyors explains how the property market works, how investors and developers make their money, and how business objectives interrelate with property strategies. Economic, financial market and accounting issues are explained, and guidance is provided on negotiation skills, presentation technique and other ways to accelerate personal development.

The book is suitable for younger surveyors seeking to develop business skills, and for any surveyors looking to get the best out of their business and themselves.

4. Modern Methods of Valuation 12th ed      

Modern Methods Valuation

Pengarang     : Eric Shapiro             

Imprint            : London : Routledge, 2019 

Mukasurat      : 549  

Sinopsis :

The twelfth edition of this essential valuation textbook reflects the changes in the regulatory and statutory framework for property valuations that have occurred since 2013, as well as presenting the tried and tested principles and practices of real estate valuation.

The twelfth edition is up to date as of June 2018 with the latest regulations, statutes and case law, including the RICS Valuation – Global Standards 2017. Its comprehensive coverage of the legal, economic and technical aspects of valuation makes this book a core text for most university and college real estate programmes, and it provides students and practitioners with current and relevant guidance on the preparation of valuations for statutory purposes.

Throughout the text, the author team of experienced valuers presents examples of the application of these principles to the everyday problems met in practice. This new edition continues to be of excellent value to both students and practitioners alike as it provides the reader with a clear understanding of the methods and techniques of valuation.

5. Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking  

Performance Evaluation

Pengarang     : Lizy Kurian John          

Imprint            : London : CRC Press, 2019 

Mukasurat      : 289  

Sinopsis :

Computer and microprocessor architectures are advancing at an astounding pace. However, increasing demands on performance coupled with a wide variety of specialized operating environments act to slow this pace by complicating the performance evaluation process. Carefully balancing efficiency and accuracy is key to avoid slowdowns, and such a balance can be achieved with an in-depth understanding of the available evaluation methodologies. Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking outlines a variety of evaluation methods and benchmark suites, considering their strengths, weaknesses, and when each is appropriate to use.

Following a general overview of important performance analysis techniques, the book surveys contemporary benchmark suites for specific areas, such as Java, embedded systems, CPUs, and Web servers. Subsequent chapters explain how to choose appropriate averages for reporting metrics and provide a detailed treatment of statistical methods, including a summary of statistics, how to apply statistical sampling for simulation, how to apply SimPoint, and a comprehensive overview of statistical simulation. The discussion then turns to benchmark subsetting methodologies and the fundamentals of analytical modelling, including queuing models and Petri nets. Three chapters devoted to hardware performance counters conclude the book.

Supplying abundant illustrations, examples, and case studies, Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking offers a firm foundation in evaluation methods along with up-to-date techniques that are necessary to develop next-generation architectures.

6. Parry’s Valuation and Investment Tables 14th ed  

Parry Valuation

Pengarang     : Chris Edwards l            

Imprint            : Oxon : UCEM, 2020

Muka surat     : 507  

Sinopsis :

First published in 1913, Richard Parry’s Valuation and Investment Tables has since become an essential tool for students and professionals in the study and practice of valuation and appraisal. That the book reached its centenary year in print and now fourteenth edition is a testament to its acclaim by the valuation and property professionals in an era of calculators and computers, and furthermore a tribute to the historical importance of Parry’s original vision and continued legacy.

The purpose of the book is to provide a comprehensive range of different valuation and investment tables in one volume. Although many of the tables will be used by practicing surveyors for valuation purposes, they will also be useful to accountants and others concerned with various types of investment and financial calculations.

Surveyors valuing freehold or leasehold interests in property have the choice of using either (a) annually in arrear, or (b) quarterly in advance figures of years’ purchase. The relevant tables for each concept are printed on different coloured edged pages for ease of reference.

In practice today, calculations are required for a variety of purposes which often justify more than one approach. To allow for this, Internal Rates of Return tables have been retained. Using these tables, both growth and non-growth scenarios can be analysed for more detailed appraisal of specific freehold properties and to provide a basis for more in-depth investment advice.

7. Human Service Organizations and the Question of Impact   

Human Service Organisation

Pengarang     : Jennifer E. Mosley            

Imprint            : London : Routledge, 2019

Muka surat     : 138

Sinopsis :

This volume offers empirically based insights and findings on the question of how human service organizations are reacting to the increasing need for greater impact, effectiveness, and performance.

As demand for increased impact outstrips our knowledge of how best to achieve these goals, the book’s contributors discuss the innovative strategies being used to ensure that multiplex goals are being met and the degree to which client and staff concerns are being sacrificed for the organizational bottom line. Taken together, these discussions demonstrate that specific management strategies and collaboration based on trust and consideration of mission may help improve the quality of some services; however, many of the pressures which organizations and managers experience are resulting in lower staff morale, compromised missions, and inefficiencies.

This book will be of interest to those researching human service agencies, as well as those with a broader concern for how organizations react to doing more with less. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Human Service Organizations journal.

8. Malay Reservation Land in Malaysia : The Way Forward    

Msia Reservation

Pengarang     : Ismail Omar        

Imprint            : Saarbruken : LAP Lambert, 2015

Muka surat     : 256 

Sinopsis :

This is a compilation of papers and articles on Malay Reservation Land. Although, these papers have been out for references since years, the concept, fundamentals and principles are still relevant and applicable within the issues surrounded the Malay Reservation Land in Malaysia. Issues on Malay Reservation land are broad in its very nature. Since its introduction by British Colonial in 1913, the issues were economic rather than legal. Therefore, the book highlights in-depth issues on Malay Reservation Land and the way forward. In so doing, this compilation comprises many and diverse specializations of Malay Reservation Land within the aspects of land management and development disciplines. Its discussion covers issues on the land supply constraints, redevelopment initiatives on MAS Kampong Baru, Kuala Lumpur, issues on redevelopment of Malay Reservation Land, Oil and Gas Hub involving the land acquisition of Malay Reservation Land, idle land management, the valuation guidelines on Malay Reservation Land and a special issues on the way forward of the Malay Reservation Land in the country.

9. Bagaimana untuk Berjaya Sebagai Penterjemah Bebas

Bagaimana utk berjaya

Pengarang     :  Corinne McKay             

Imprint            :  Kuala Lumpur : ITBM, 2019

Muka surat     :  193 

Sinopsis :

Jika anda terfikir untuk menjadi seorang penterjemah, buku ini akan membawa dan membimbing anda ke arah matlamat anda. Jika anda merupakan seorang penterjemah, jurubahasa atau pemilik syarikat penterjemahan yang mantap, buku ini akan membantu untuk memperbaiki kedudukan anda dalam kerjaya ini, selain mempertingkatkan kualiti kerja dan juga pendapatan anda.

Inilah buku untuk mereka yang ingin membaca pandangan tentang dunia kerjaya terjemahan daripada sudut yang praktikal. Mereka yang merancang untuk menjadi seorang penterjemah perlu membaca buku ini terlebih dahulu bagi memastikan anda berada di jalan yang betul kerana ia merupakan perkongsian pengalaman seorang pemterjemah dalam menguruskan kerjaya mereka.

10. Tamparan Takdir

Tamparan Takdir

Pengarang     : Bonda Nor                

Imprint            : Petaling Jaya : Geleri Ilmu,  2019

Muka surat     : 207 

Sinopsis :

Tuhan itu terlalu dekat. Dia berbicara dengan kita menerusi pelbagai cara. Dalam pada kita leka, ditarikNya kita agar kembali kepada fitrah sebagai seorang khalifah. Dalam pada kita lupa, Dia hantar peringatan demi peringatan agar kita segera kembali ke pangkal jalan.

Adakalanya bicara amaran yang dikirimkanNya itu datang secara perlahan, menusuk ke dasar hati. Pedih dan luka itu kita tanggung sendiri. Adakalanya bicara amaran itu datang dengan begitu kuat hingga terkapai-kapai kita mencari semangat di tengah-tengah gelombang kecaman masyarakat. Allahuakbar, malunya kita sebagai seorang hamba.

Namun, masihkah kita dapat mengecap nikmat kasih sayang-Nya dalam setiap musibah yang datang? Naskhah TAMPARAN TAKDIR mengajak para pembaca untuk menyelami hakikat ini agar mudah memujuk hati sendiri apabila dilanda badai. Betapa setiap sesuatu musibah yang berlaku itu sebenarnya adalah merupakan bicara takdir yang sedang memaksa kita untuk berfikir. Justeru, jika kita mampu memahaminya, maka tidak wujudlah istilah derita, melainkan bahagia. Hati pedih terhukum, tapi kita masih mampu mengukir senyum! 


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