header MY040719  


1Constitutional Conflicts In Contemporary Malaysia

Constitutional Conflicts

Pengarang  :  H. P. Lee         

Imprint  :  London :  Oxford University Press , 2017 

Mukasurat : 214 ms 


In this book, HP Lee explores how the separation of powers doctrine in Malaysia has been adversely affected by a number of major constitutional conflicts among the various important organs of government. The author first analyses the struggle by parliament for supremacy over the Malay Rulers or Sultans by expunging the need for the royal assent to the enactment of legislation and removing royal immunities. Lee then turns to the contemporary role of the Malay Rulers

and the reasons for the perceived rejuvenation of these Malay Rulers. The book goes on to examine the series of controversies and scandals which have plagued the judiciary since the tumultuous judiciary crisis of 1988, and the efficacy of the reforms which have been introduced to restore public
confidence in the judiciary. These conflicts and a number of statutory enactments are analysed to determine their impact on the state of constitutionalism in Malaysia. The book concludes with the author's thoughts on the trajectory of constitutional development in Malaysia.


2. Freedom Of Religion Apostasy And Islam.

Freedom Of Religion

Pengarang : Abdullah Sheed     

Imprint  : London :  Routledge , 2004

Mukasurat : 227 ms 


Debate on freedom of religion as a human right takes place not only in the Western world but also in Muslim communities throughout the world. For Muslims concerned for this freedom, one of the major difficulties is the 'punishment for apostasy' - death for those who desert Islam. This book argues that the law of apostasy and its punishment by death in Islamic law is untenable in the modern period. Apostasy conflicts with a variety of foundation texts of Islam and with the current ethos of human rights, in particular the freedom to choose one's religion. Demonstrating the early development of the law of apostasy as largely a religio-political tool, the authors show the diversity of opinion among early Muslims on the punishment, highlighting the substantial ambiguities about what constitutes apostasy, the problematic nature of some of the key textual evidence on which the punishment of apostasy is based, and the neglect of a vast amount of clear Qur'anic texts in favour of freedom of religion in the construction of the law of apostasy. Examining the significant challenges the punishment of apostasy faces in the modern period inside and outside Muslim communities - exploring in particular how apostasy and its punishment is dealt with in a multi-religious Muslim majority country, Malaysia, and the challenges and difficulties it faces there - the authors discuss arguments by prominent Muslims today for an absolute freedom of religion and for discarding the punishment of apostasy.


3. Kerjaya Dalam Penilaian Dan Perundingan Harta Tanah Di Malaysia

Kerjaya dlm Penilaian

Pengarang : Mohd Hasrul Haffiz Aliasak      

Imprint :  Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka , 2020

Mukasurat : 275 ms 

Sinopsis :

Penjelasan mengenai peringkat demi peringkat yang perlu dilalui sebelum bergelar penilai dan perunding harta tanah dapat membantu pembaca memahami dengan lebih jelas tentang kerjaya ini.


4. Leading Through Language: Choosing Words That Influence and Inspire

Leading through Language

Pengarang :  Bart Egnal      

Imprint : New Jersey :  John Wiley and Sons , 2016

Mukasurat : 226 ms  

Sinopsis :

Become a more effective leader—cut the jargon and say what you mean

Leveraging. Strategizing. Opening the kimono. Unlocking human capital. Trying to nail that BHAG. All on a go forward basis. These are only a few examples of the jargon-ridden language that is too often the mainstay of business communication. Jargon frustrates, confuses, and generally alienates listeners. Yet it's also everywhere, and using it can often seem like a mandatory requirement for anyone who wants to establish credibility in a professional workplace.

To be an effective leader, you must be brave enough to be the first to drop jargon in favor of simple, coherent language. This can be difficult if you've spent years immersed in business culture, but Leading Through Language will show just how much you've come to rely on jargon, why it's holding you back, and how to trim it away to more effectively convey information and ideas.

  • Understand why jargon is reviled, yet ubiquitous
  • Learn why "business speak" gets in the way of business
  • Discover what kind of language influences and inspires others
  • Convey ideas with clarity, energy, and conviction
  • Approach all communication as an act of leadership

Communication often falls by the wayside in favor of more measurable data-backed performance metrics; but good communication has the power to improve metrics in every area of an organization. Leading Through Language is the business world's much-needed guide to true leadership communication, showing you how to eliminate idle talk and master compelling communication.


5. Mathematical Modeling : Branching Beyond Calculus

 Mathematical Modeling

Pengarang :  Crista Arangala      

Imprint       :  London :  CRC Press , 2018 

Mukasurat :  304 ms  

Sinopsis :

Mathematical Modeling: Branching Beyond Calculus reveals the versatility of mathematical modeling. The authors present the subject in an attractive manner and flexibley manner. Students will discover that the topic not only focuses on math, but biology, engineering, and both social and physical sciences. The book is written in a way to meet the needs of any modeling course. Each chapter includes examples, exercises, and projects offering opportunities for more in-depth investigations into the world of mathematical models. The authors encourage students to approach the models from various angles while creating a more complete understanding. The assortment of disciplines covered within the book and its flexible structure produce an intriguing and promising foundation for any mathematical modeling course or for self-study. Key Features: Chapter projects guide more thorough investigations of the models The text aims to expand a student's communication skills and perspectives WThe widespread applications are incorporated, even includinge biology and social sciences Its structure allows it to serve as either primary or supplemental text Uses Mathematica and MATLAB are used to develop models and computations


6. Multilevel Modeling Using Mplus

Multilevel Modeling

Pengarang  :  W, Holmes Finch         

Imprint        :  London : CRC Press , 2017

Muka surat :  321 ms 

Sinopsis :

This book is designed primarily for upper level undergraduate and graduate level students taking a course in multilevel modelling and/or statistical modelling with a large multilevel modelling component. The focus is on presenting the theory and practice of major multilevel modelling techniques in a variety of contexts, using Mplus as the software tool, and demonstrating the various functions available for these analyses in Mplus, which is widely used by researchers in various fields, including most of the social sciences. In particular, Mplus offers users a wide array of tools for latent variable modelling, including for multilevel data.


7. Pengajian Islam di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam Malaysia

Pengajian Islam di IPTA

Pengarang :  Mohd Fauzi Hamat   

Imprint  :Kuala Lumpur : Penerbit  University Malaya , 2007

Muka surat : 209 ms.

Sinopsis :

Perbincangan dan analisis yang terkandung dalam biuku ini mencakupi hampir semua bidang utama pengajian Islam yang ditawarkan oleh Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA) di negara ini.  Antaranya pengajian akidah, pengajian dakwah, pengajian usulludin, pengajian syariah, pengajian usul fiqh, pengajian tamadun Islam sehinggalah kepada pengajian siasah syariyyah, pengajian perbankan, pengajian gender serta bidang pengajaran dan pembelajaran.Buku ini boleh dijadikan rujukan dan panduan berguna bagi segenap pihak termasuklah penggubal dan perancang dasar.


8.Takkan Berhenti Mencintaimu  

Takkan berhenti mencintaimu

Pengarang :  Nass Alina Noah    

Imprint  : Kuala Lumpur :  Fajar Pakeer , 2009

Muka surat : 861 ms

Sinopsis :

Takkan Berhenti Mencintaimu
Entah di mana silapnya, dia menjadi seorang isteri sedang sekeping hati kecil sudah bersumpah untuk mencintai orang lain.

Silapkah sebuah perkahwinan sehingga bunga-bunga asmara tidak pernah berkembang indah? Silapkah terlalu mencintai sehingga benci menjadi kelopaknya? Silapkah jatuh cinta sehingga haruman yang mengindahkan itu menjadi racun nan berbisa?

Malam-malam kian sepi dan semakin sepi, dihambat persoalan-persoalan yang tiada jawapan. Namun lelaki itu tidak akan berdiam diri. Dia akan melakukan segala-galanya untuk memiliki hatinya…

Dan aku, Puteri Chaira Cleopatra, takkan mahu menjadi Cleopatra yang sepi tanpa Caesarku. Kerana aku takkan pernah mencintamu….


9. Teacher Learning In Malaysia   

Teacher Learning

Pengarang :  Suseela Malakolunthu          

Imprint  : Kuala Lumpur :  Penerbit Universiti Malaya , 2007

Muka surat :  197 ms   

Sinopsis :

This book certainly serves two purposes which is a revelation to the nexus between policy, administration and practice in the reform implementation process in education and a guide for post graduate students who are planning to use qualitative case study design for their research.

Teacher Learning in Malaysia: Problems and Possibilities of Reform is a thoughtful analytical attempt by the writer to fill in the perception gap that currently exists in the understanding of the fundamental issues of any educational reform. (By: Prof. Dato’ Dr Hussein Hj. Ahmad, Institute of Principalship Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur)

10. Understanding Housing Defects  4th Ed.

Understanding Housing

Pengarang : Duncan Marshall          

Imprint  : London :  Routledge ,  2014

Muka surat :  550 ms 

Sinopsis :

Understanding Housing Defects provides a concise, coherent and comprehensive introduction to the causes, investigation and diagnosis of defects in domestic buildings.

For this new edition, many of the chapters have been substantially updated and new photographs have been added. There are four new chapters covering:

  • How defects are defined
  • An overview of building and architectural history
  • External joinery and painted finishes
  • Environmental and health- related building problems

Many of the 21 chapters cover a specific building element and include a brief introduction setting out construction principles and the evolution of current practice. All of the chapters consider the identification, cause and diagnosis of common (and sometimes not so common) defects. This book is a must have for all those students and practitioners who require a broad understanding of housing defects.

Building surveyors, general practice surveyors, architects, estate agents, housing officers and anyone involved in the management and maintenance of property as well as its construction will benefit hugely from this highly informative full-colour text. Written by the authors of The Construction of Houses, the book is also the natural companion to this bestselling textbook.


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