<style>.lazy{display:none}</style>Objective, Vision, Mission dan Function - INSTITUT PENILAIAN NEGARA




Established to enhance the knowledge and the department’s human capital skills and real estate industry through training, research and education to provide timely, effective and reliable valuation and property services.


To become a premier training, research and education center in real estate.


Complete the workforce to meet new challenges and adapt to changes and provide authoritative research services, consulting services, training and education to meet the needs and demand of the real estate industry.


Our services:

- Valuation and Property Services Training
- Management and Information Technology Training
- Professional and Executive Development Training
- Real Estate Research
- Real Estate Research Fund
- Real Estate Publication
- Real Estate Consultancy and Product Development
- Real Estate Education Programme
- Local and Overseas Attachment Programme
- Export of Expertise Services
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme