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1.  Real Estate Issues in Malaysia

Real Estate Issues

Pengarang   : Zarina Shamsudin               

Imprint          : Batu Pahat : Penerbit UTHM, 2015 

Mukasurat    : 189  

Sinopsis :

This ‘Real Estate Issues in Malaysia’ edition is dedicated to explore the issues in the broadest sense particularly those in related to real estate development and investment. These areas include privatization in property development, rating, green building, maturity in property investment, corporate real estate, return on commercial property investment, audit on public buildings and housing schemes. This book will be of particular interest to those involved in real estate development and investment, including academicians, valuers and estate agents, real estate developers and investors, local authorities and government agencies, financial institutions and also surveyors.

2. Commercial Property Valuation : Methods and Case Studies

 Commercial Property

Pengarang   : Giacomo Morri               

Imprint          : West Sussex :  John Wileys & Sonns, 2019 

Mukasurat    : 215  


Commercial Property Valuation provides a comprehensive examination of principles and methods of determining the accurate value of commercial assets. This invaluable resource covers all key elements of commercial property valuation, including valuation queries, real estate report structure, market analysis, capitalization and discount rates estimation, and more. This book details the economic characteristics unique to commercial property and illustrates property-specific risk factors and mitigation strategies. Drawing from years of professional and academic experience, the authors provide accurate information on multiple valuation approaches suitable for commercial real estate such as sales comparison, income capitalization and residual land value. Favoring real-world practicality over complex formulas, this book provides a powerful set of tools to assist readers in selecting and applying the best valuation approach to various situations. Actual case studies of office buildings, hotels, high street retails, and residential developments allow readers to understand and apply appropriate valuation methodologies. 

Commercial property is a major investment class that offers abundant opportunities but poses unique risks. Thorough and inclusive knowledge is essential to success in this complex and competitive sector of real estate. This book provides expert coverage of critical topics allowing readers to:

  • Identify the unique economic characteristics and potential risks of commercial real estate valuation and investment
  • Focus on methods specific to commercial real estate valuation
  • Learn how to select and apply the appropriate valuation method in a variety of scenarios
  • Access sample Excel spreadsheets and ancillary online resources including slides and useful Internet links

Commercial Property Valuation is an essential resource for investors, appraisers, consultants, accountants, and students in real estate courses.

 3. Lawat Periksa dan Pemeriksaan Ke Atas Harta Tanah untuk Penilai Harta 

Lawat Periksa

Pengarang   : Mohd Hasrol Haffiz Aliasak             

Imprint          : Batu Pahat : Penerbit UTHM , 2021 

Mukasurat    : 182   

Sinopsis :

Lawat periksa dan pemeriksaan ke atas harta tanah untuk tujuan penilaian harta tanah bagi pelbagai tujuan nilaian merupakan suatu tugasan yang perlu dijalankan oleh seseorang penilai bagi mengenal pasti secara fizikal ke atas harta tanah yang hendak dinilai. Penyiasatan dan pemeriksaan ke atas harta tanah melibatkan kerja-kerja penelitian, pemeriksaan dan pengukuran ke atas harta tanah bagi mendapatkan data-data dan maklumat-maklumat berkaitan dengan harta tanah di mana ia boleh mempengaruhi proses penentuan nilaian harta tanah dengan munasabah.

Dalam memastikan kerja-kerja lawat periksa dan pemeriksaan harta tanah dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan sempurna, terdapat beberapa keperluan yang perlu dititik berat dan dipertimbangkan oleh seseorang penilai bagi memastikan semua keperluan yang dikehendaki semasa proses penilaian dan pelaporan dalam Laporan Penilaian ke atas harta tanah mencukupi serta tidak menjejaskan proses kerja penilaian harta tanah. Secara ringkasnya, material utama yang perlu disediakan sebelum kerja-kerja penilaian harta tanah dijalankan ialah peta, pelan, butiran hak milik harta tanah, data-data perbandingan di samping peralatan bantuan dan sokongan dalam proses pengambilan data-data, maklumat pengukuran dan fizikal bagi harta tanah subjek seperti kamera, pita pengukur, kompas, alat tulis, kertas dan sebagainya.

Faktor penentuan lokasi dan kedudukan harta tanah merupakan aspek utama yang perlu dititikberatkan oleh seseorang penilai bagi memastikan harta tanah yang hendak dinilai dapat ditetapkan lokasinya dengan tepat. Dokumen-dokumen statutori seperti salinan hak milik yang telah diperiksa sama ada di Pejabat Tanah atau Pejabat Pendaftar Hakmilik di mana catatan carian rasmi serta semakan data-data pengezonan dan warta-warta kerajaan yang berkaitan dengan cadangan perlaksanaan sesuatu polisi ke atas pembangunan dan perancangan guna tanah adalah yang terkini. Ini penting kerana, data-data ini secara langsung akan mempengaruhi proses penentuan nilaian harta tanah. Pemerhatian ke atas elemen-elemen lain seperti kejiranan dan persekitaran juga perlu diambil kira semasa kerja-kerja lawat periksa dan pemeriksaan ke atas harta tanah subjek. Ini adalah kerana, elemen-elemen ini akan diperjelaskan dalam Laporan Penilaian serta memudahkan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan memahami dan memperoleh maklumat dengan jelas mengenai harta tanah yang dinilai.

 4. Buying Real Estate Overseas for Cash Flow (and A Better Life): Get Started With as Little as $50,000 (1st Edition)

Buying Real Estate

Pengarang   : Kathleen Peddicord               

Imprint          : New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2020 

Mukasurat    : 220    

Sinopsis :

In Buying Real Estate Overseas for Cash Flow (And A Better Life): Get Started With As Little As $50,000, Kathleen Peddicord and Lief Simon explain how to incorporate an investment in foreign real estate into your portfolio for as little as $50,000. With a lifetime of experience with living, retiring, and investing overseas, the authors delve deep into this complex topic. Simply put, this book is a practical guide to buying property overseas as a strategy for earning cash flow to fund your dream retirement.

In the book, the authors cover topics as wide-ranging as:

  • How to build the cash flow you need to fund the retirement you want
  • 8 markets offering the best current cash-flow opportunities
  • How to move money across borders in today’s post-FATCA world
  • Plus: How to run the numbers to evaluate a potential cash-flow investment

Buying Real Estate Overseas includes a breadth and depth of information on the world’s best markets for investing in real estate for cash flow. Its up-to-date information about this investment category puts to bed much of the outdated advice and guidance currently available in published materials.

The authors identify several hot, new markets where currency valuations and market conditions make the purchase of real estate an extremely wise investment decision in today’s volatile investment climate.

5. Bandar Mesra Manusia   

Bandar Mesra Manusia

Pengarang   : Jan Gehl             

Imprint           : Kuala Lumpur : Penerbit University Malaya, 2019 

Mukasurat    : 270  

Sinopsis :

Buku ‘Cities for People’ dianggap sebagai antara rujukan utama kepada perancang bandar di seluruh dunia, sudah diterjemahkan kepada 35 bahasa dalam tempoh sembilan tahun terakhir ini. “Buku ini menghuraikan benih-benih idea Gehl, menyelidik beberapa bandar dunia yang telah berjaya diperbaiki sepanjang beberapa dekad yang lalu, dan menyatakan cabaran-cabaran mendatang. Kehidupan generasi akan datang akan menuju ke arah yang lebih bahagia dan berdaya saing jika pemimpin-pemimpin mereka mengambil nasihat beliau.” - Enrique Penalosa, mantan Datuk Bandar Bogota, Columbia, dan Presiden Lembaga Pengarah Institut Pengangkutan dan Pembangunan Polisi New York

6. Long Life Learning : Preparing For Jobs That Don’t Even Exist Yet

Long Life Learning

Pengarang   : Michelle R. Weise             

Imprint          : West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons, 2021

Muka surat   : 256   

Sinopsis :

Long Life Learning: Preparing for Jobs That Don’t Even Exist Yet offers readers a fascinating glimpse into a near-future where careers last 100 years, and education lasts a lifetime. The book makes the case that learners of the future are going to repeatedly seek out educational opportunities throughout the course of their working lives — which will no longer have a beginning, middle, and end. Long Life Learning focuses on the disruptive and burgeoning innovations that are laying the foundation for a new learning model that includes clear navigation, wraparound and funding supports, targeted education, and clear connections to more transparent hiring processes. 

Written by the former chief innovation officer of Strada Education Network’s Institute for the Future of Work, the book examines:   

  • How will a dramatically extended lifespan affect our careers?  
  • How will more time in the workforce shape our educational demands?  
  • Will a four-year degree earned at the start of a 100-year career adequately prepare us for the challenges ahead? 

Perfect for anyone with an interest in the future of education and Clayton Christensen’s theories of disruptive innovation, Long Life Learning provides an invaluable glimpse into a future that many of us have not even begun to imagine.

 7. Urgent! Strategies to Control Urgency, Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity     

Urgent Strategies

Pengarang   : Dermot Crowley               

Imprint           : Melbourne : John Wiley & Sons Australia, 2020

Muka surat   : 188  

Sinopsis :

Urgency - that frantic feeling that we need to be doing more, and faster - is a destructive force in today's workplace. Unnecessary urgency can be toxic, causing stress and burnout. But not all urgency is bad, and sometimes we really do need to get things done quickly. Too little urgency can lead to inaction and lost productivity. So how do we find the right balance where we can use urgency as a meaningful tool to keep productivity up without generating burnout? Urgent! is a guide to using urgency for good to help achieve your goals, to drive success, and minimize stress for yourself, your teams, and your business.

This book will teach you to moderate urgency for yourself and those you lead. In our age of fast-paced technology, it's easy to swing between extremes, working reactively one minute and being inactive the next. The middle ground, described in this book, allows us to work in the "Active Zone" where we maximize proactivity and productivity. By following the practical strategies outlined in this book, listeners will learn to understand urgency, become proactive rather than reactive, and lead teams to their fullest potential.

If you feel that you and your team are stressed to the max by competing demands, leaving no room to focus on what really matters, Urgent! will show you a new way of thinking, leading, and responding.

8. Stop Playing Safe: How to Be Braver in Your Work, Leadership and Life (2nd edition)

Stop Playing Safe

Pengarang   : Margie Warrell                       

Imprint           : Melbourne : John Wiley & Sons Australia, 2021

Muka surat   : 187

Sinopsis :

If you ever hold back from making changes or taking chances, Stop Playing Safe is for you.

In this fully updated "post-pandemic" edition, Dr. Margie Warrell challenges you to "rethink risk" and back your boldest goals with braver action. Drawing on her diverse global experience working in coaching, psychology, and with trailblazing leaders such as Richard Branson and Bill Marriott, this book will empower you to master fear and "take the chance" when it matters most.  

Margie will get to the heart of what's holding you back, giving you proven strategies to find your "why" to do more of what ignites your passion (and less of what doesn't!); uncover your blind spots to make smarter decisions, faster; apply four simple steps to build resilience and manage your "stress triggers"; activate "post-traumatic growth" to turn your toughest problems into your greatest growth; nail difficult conversations to resolve conflict, build trust, and strengthen relationships; and be an inspiring leader who emboldens others to think bigger, learn faster, and accomplish more.

9. Tadabbur Hikmah Juzuk ‘Amma


Pengarang   :  Dr. Muhammad Rozaimi Ramle

Imprint           :   Batu Caves : Publishing House , 2019

Muka surat   :   601   

Sinopsis :

Dalam Juzuk ‘Amma terdapat 37 surah yang sering kita baca ketika solat. Dimulai dengan surah Al-Naba’ dan diakhiri dengan surah Al-Nas. Surah-surah yang pendek ini mengandungi pelbagai perbahasan mengenai soal hidup, kiamat, tolong menolong sesama manusia, penjagaan anak yatim, menyantuni fakir miskin, bahkan sampai kepada semangat menghadapi perang dengan kuda yang tangkas berlari pun disuruh menjadi perhatian kita.

10. Kerana Hati Telah Berjanji  

Kerani Hati Telah berjanji

Pengarang   : Rissa Ahdiya       

Imprint           : Bandar Tun Hussein Onn : Publishing Karyaseni, 2019

Muka surat   : 455 

Sinopsis :

“Nama awak Manis?”

Ya. Namanya cuma Manis. Tapi bagi dia, tak ada yang manis pun dalam hidupnya. Ada emak dan abah pun, macam tak ada. Dia dianggap anak kelas kedua, jauh sekali nak jadi harapan keluarga. Bagi mereka, anak lelakilah yang boleh diharap dan sebab itulah di rumahnya, kaum lelaki dilayan macam raja. Dia? Dayang merangkap orang gaji buat sang raja yang berkuasa. Sejak kecil dia dimomokkan dengan kata-kata yang buat dia rasa rendah diri dan sehodoh-hodoh manusia dalam dunia.

Remy. Lelaki yang tulang rusuk kirinya dicuri Manis. Bagi Remy, ini cinta pandang pertama. Tapi bagi Manis, ini peluang untuk dia keluar dari rumah itu. Remy berikan warna dalam hati yang selama ini tak dicorak apa-apa.

Dalam melayari rumah tangga, pasti ada dugaannya. Kerana sayang, Manis terpaksa juga melepaskan lelaki yang dia cinta. Meninggalkan Remy bukan perkara mudah. Tapi demi mencari bahagia, Manis terpaksa juga melepaskan lelaki yang separuh nyawa mencintainya.

“Abang pun tahu bagaimana kehidupan Manis sebelum ni, kan? Manis berdoa, moga akan ada kesudahan yang gembira dalam hidup Manis. Tapi…” - MANIS

Selama berpisah, nama Remy tak pernah hilang dari ingatan Manis. Dia berharap yang Remy akan muncul semula, tapi Remy seolah-olah langsung tak ingatkan dia. Hilang macam kabus. Namun, Hizbur pula yang selalu ada untuknya, menuntut Manis tunaikan janji lama.

Hizbur. Lelaki yang pernah Manis mungkiri janjinya. Mereka bertemu semula dalam situasi yang janggal. Hizbur doktor dan Manislah pesakitnya.

“Bertahun saya nanar, Manis. Bayang awak ada di mana-mana. Saat saya nampak awak, saya rasa mahu sujud syukur di situ juga.” - HIZBUR

“Doktor Hizbur… Please, awak tahu maksud saya. Dan saya nak ingatkan awak, kita tak pernah ada kisah bersama.” - MANIS

“Saya tak minta awak kahwin lagi. Saya minta awak kahwin dengan saya aje.” - HIZBUR

Saat Manis rasa yang dia dah reda menerima dan lupakan semuanya, Remy tiba-tiba buat kemunculan semula.

“Abang teringin nak jadi payung untuk Manis, supaya hati dan mata Manis tak lagi basah.” - REMY

Antara rasa yang pernah ada dan kenangan yang tak pernah mati, Manis jadi keliru sendiri. Atau haruskah dia mencari bahagia itu sendiri?

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