header EN040719



 1. Practical Finance for Property Investment             

Practical Finance

Pengarang   : Craig Furfine              

Imprint          : London : Routledge , 2020 

Mukasurat    : 166

Sinopsis :

Practical Finance for Property Investment provides readers with an introduction to the most fundamental concepts, principles, analytical methods, and tools useful for making investing and financing decisions regarding income-producing property. The book begins by considering how to value income-producing property by forecasting a property’s cash flows and estimating appropriate discount rates. It then discusses how both debt and private equity are used as methods to finance a property’s acquisition. The book provides a thorough discussion of the taxation of property income as well as how investors can quantify the risks to investing in property. The book concludes with important considerations for investors when their investment thesis does not come to fruition.

Practical Finance for Property Investment offers a unique and novel pedagogy by pairing each book chapter with an in-depth real-world case study, which forces readers to confront the occasional tensions between finance theory and property investment practice. The book is designed for investors and students interested in learning what finance theory implies about property investment.


2. Wicked Valuations  :  People and Landed Property 

Wicked Valuation


Pengarang   : Michael McDermott             

Imprint          : London :  Routledge , 2019 

Mukasurat    : 328


Traditional valuation approaches are increasingly recognised as being insufficient to address the wicked valuation problems of the diverse peoples and groups that inhabit the globe from north, south, east to west. This book demonstrates the limitations of science and economics, as the foundation on which valuations are traditionally based. It demonstrates the importance of valuation and provides justification for the personal, cultural values and norms which underpin our assessment of "value", and the fact that these vary across the world. In Wicked Valuations Michael McDermott develops a means of engaging with highly complex valuation problems. His autoethnography provides a lens to draw on knowledge and experience from his 40 years in land valuation in Africa and the Asia-Pacific, while documentary analysis is used to draw in the views of other valuation practitioners and scholars who are becoming increasingly aware of the need to develop ways to adapt land valuation processes to the complexity of our contemporary landscapes.

3. Leading for Learning       

 Leading 4 Learning


Pengarang   : Lisa J. Koss            

Imprint          : London : Routledge , 2021 

Mukasurat    : 143   

Sinopsis :

People do their best work when they are motivated. This may sound obvious, but while people managers instinctively agree with the centrality of motivation at work and its impact on employee engagement, their practices do not follow. With so much "real work" to do every day, how can managers also carve out time to learn, engage, build relationships, tap motivation, encourage development, and inspire?

The problem is a false dichotomy between the world of business and that of people development. What if managers were able to systematically transform everyday business issues into meaningful, developmental coaching opportunities with employees at the same time?

This proven coaching approach radically shifts conversations away from either-or propositions and uses an entirely different lens: transforming business challenges by connecting them directly to employee motivation to achieve the desired business result while dramatically increasing employee engagement.

And all this comes none too soon as leaders must rethink the way they lead given the modern realities of organizational life. Among them:

  • A rapidly changing workplace and increasing uncertainty that requires a fundamental shift in the leader’s approach, including the distribution of authority and the expectation that employees take responsibility for their own learning
  • Pervasive and persistent employee disengagement, characterized by employees who no longer accept the organization’s priorities at the expense of their own, where organizations that continue to dictate terms will find ongoing challenges with costly employee turnover and lack of engagement

During the past decade, the Developmental Coaching Model has been taught across the globe in nine languages and has been enthusiastically embraced by thousands of managers while dissolving the invisible barriers that block individual and organizational development and business success.

4. International Housing Market Experience and Implications for China  

Internationla Housing Market

Pengarang   : Rebecca L. H. Chiu              

Imprint          : London : Routledge , 2019 

Mukasurat    : 403   

Sinopsis :

Recent rapid housing market expansion in China is presenting new challenges for policy makers, planners, business people and citizens. Now that housing in middle-income China is driven by consumer choices and is no longer dominated by state policy decisions, housing policy issues in Chinese cities are becoming increasingly similar to those encountered in other global housing markets. With soaring prices and imbalances in housing supply favouring high income groups and housing demand driven by rising inequality in household incomes, many middle and lower-income households face worsening choices in terms of the quality and location of their housing as well as greater financial difficulties, which together can have negative implications for standards of public health.

This book examines the impact of these changes on the general population, as well as on aspiring homeowners and developers. The contributors look at the effect on the widening of wealth gaps, slower economic growth, and threats to political and social stability.

Though focusing on China, the editors also present discussions of specific policy design challenges encountered in Australia, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, the Nordic countries, Singapore, Taiwan, the UK, and the US. This book would be of interest to housing policy makers, as well as academics who are studying the social and political effects of the Chinese housing market.

5. Introduction to Geophysical Formation Evaluation 

Intro 2 Geophysical

Pengarang   : James K. Hallenburg            

Imprint           : London : CRC Press , 2019 

Mukasurat    : 181

Sinopsis :

The first volume, Introduction to Geophysical Formation Evaluation, is the perfect introductory reference for environmental professionals without previous training in the field. It explains the fundamentals of geophysical exploration and analysis, illuminates the underlying theories, and offers practical guidance on how to use the available methodologies. General information on material behaviour, porosity, tortuosity, permeability, cores, resistivity, radioactivity, and more provides a solid foundation for more advanced studies.

6. Real Estate Investment : Strategies, Structure, Decisions 2nd 

Real Estate Investment

Pengarang   : Andrew E. Baum, David Hartzell           

Imprint          : West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons , 2021

Muka surat   : 558 

Sinopsis :

Real Estate Investment remains the most influential textbook on the subject, used in top-tier colleges and universities worldwide. Its unique, practical perspective on international real estate investment focusses on real-world techniques which measure, benchmark, forecast and manage property investments as an asset class. The text examines global property markets and real estate cycles, outlines market fundamentals and explains asset pricing and portfolio theory in the context of real estate. 

In the years since the text’s first publication, conditions in global real estate markets have changed considerably following the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Real estate asset prices have increased past pre-crisis levels, signalling a general market recovery. Previously scarce debt and equity capital is now abundant, while many institutions once averse to acquiring property are re-entering the markets. The latest edition – extensively revised and updated to address current market trends and practices as well as reflect feedback from instructors and students – features new content on real estate development, improved practical examples, expanded case studies and more. This seminal textbook:

  • Emphasises practical solutions to real investing problems rather than complex theory
  • Offers substantial new and revised content throughout the text
  • Covers topics such as valuation, leasing, mortgages, real estate funds, underwriting and private and public equity real estate
  • Features up-to-date sections on performance measurement, real estate debt markets and building and managing real estate portfolios
  • Includes access to a re-designed companion website containing numerous problems and solutions, presentation slides and additional instructor and student resources

Written by internationally recognised experts in capital management and institutional property investing strategies, Real Estate Investment, Second Edition: Strategies, Structures, Decisions is an indispensable textbook for instructors and students of real estate fund management, investment management and investment banking, as well as a valuable reference text for analysts, researchers, investment managers, investment bankers and asset managers.

7.Real Estate Dangers and How to Avoid Them  

Real Estate Dangers

Pengarang   : Andrew Trim             

Imprint           : Melbourne : John Wiley & Sons Australia , 2018

Muka surat   : 216

Sinopsis :

Real Estate Dangers and How to Avoid Them is a must-read guide for anyone thinking of buying or selling property, or becoming a landlord. Whether you’re looking for your dream home, to sell a property, or to invest, flip or rent out an existing investment, this book is packed with the insider information you need to avoid getting ripped off. By shining a light on the flawed and unnecessary aspects of the real estate industry, this book will help you make smarter decisions based on knowledge rather than “advice,” saving you time, money and headache. Stories of those who have seen the dangers highlight the ways in which this outdated system takes advantage of first timers and experienced investors alike - and expert guidance shows you how to steer clear of the traps and pitfalls lurking around every transaction.

Nearly everyone will have their hands in real estate at some point, and the real estate industry can be intimidating - after all, you rarely make financial transactions this large. But the truth is that the industry can be quite simple and can go quite smoothly if you eliminate the distractions and focus on making smart decisions. This book shows you the real truth about the industry, helping you:

  • Avoid the traps that rip off buyers and sellers
  • Make smart decisions, minimise financial risk and let the system work for you
  • Identify unnecessary add-ons and bogus charges
  • Learn the tricks of the trade so you can save your money
  • Become a smarter landlord and attract quality tenants.

With clear, no-nonsense advice for buyers, sellers, landlords, and flippers, Real Estate Dangers and How to Avoid Them arms you with the knowledge you need to succeed in the property business.

8. Teguran dari Langit

Teguran dr Langit


Pengarang   :   Deanna Chee

Imprint           :   Batu Caves : Mustread , 2019

Muka surat   :   202   

Sinopsis :

Aku yang dahulu bukanlah aku yang sekarang. Tidak pernah aku terlintas untuk berhijrah daripada jahil menjadi tahu. Daripada membenci ajaran agama, menjadi pemuja nombor satu. Tapi kini aku sudah kembali. Kembali kepada fitrah. Namun jalannya bukan mudah. Dicaci, dihina, dipulau, dibuang, sampaikan aku jatuh terduduk di titik paling bawah. Noktah. Sehinggakan aku 'ditegur' sesuatu. Kerana 'teguran' itu, aku bingkas bangkit. Kerana 'teguran' itu, aku terus berlari dan tidak berpaling lagi. Baca dan carilah 'teguran' itu. Semoga kalian ketemu. Sekali diberi teguran, lantas berubah. Bukanlah kepada yang semua tahu, tapi dapat mengubah diri daripada kosong kepada sesuatu. Jalannya bukan mudah. Dihina, dicaci dan dimaki. Tiada jalan mudah untuk berubah mahupun untuk berjaya. Jangan pernah mengeluh dengan setiap teguran yang diberikan. Terus melangkah ke hadapan tanpa menoleh ke belakang. Sesalan hanya untuk masa lalu, bukan masa hadapan.

9. Anak Muda Bebas Hutang

Anak Muda Bebas Htg


Pengarang   : Haji Badrul Hisham Mohd Yusoff     

Imprint           : Batu Caves : Publishing House , 2019

Muka surat   : 113 

Sinopsis :

Tip, teknik, nota, dan perkongsian pengalaman untuk golongan muda khususnya supaya bebas daripada belenggu hutang. Disertakan dengan gambar rajah serta jadual yang ringkas dan interkatif menjadikan buku ini mudah di'hadam' oleh pembaca daripada pelbagai peringkat umur. Penulisan turut disertakan dengan sumber daripada ayat Al-Quran dan hadis yang membolehkan pembaca mengaitkan sesuatu topik itu dengan perspektif Islam. Ramai orang menyangka bahagia itu apabila kaya dan banyak harta tetapi sebenarnya harta itu cuma alat, dan bahagia adalah matlamat. Ramai juga yang tidak bahagia walaupun mempunyai banyak harta.

Penulis adalah Pengarah Urusan di sebuah firma, iaitu Badrul & Co. Beliau berpengalaman luas dalam bidang hartanah, pengurusan kewangan, khidmat latihan dan perbankan. Beliau pernah berkhidmat sebagai pengurus kanan audit di beberapa syarikat GLC dan institusi kewangan sebelum menguruskan firma Badrul & Co.

10. Seandainya Aku 

 Seandainya Aku


Pengarang   : Rissa Ahdiya        

Imprint           : Bandar Tun Hussein Onn : Penerbitan Karyaseni , 2018

Muka surat   : 475

Sinopsis :

Cerita itu. Ya, cerita yang ingin dilupakannya. Bertahun dia menyimpannya sendiri, berharap yang cerita itu akan terkubur sendiri. Siapa tahu, cerita itu muncul semula ketika bahagia di depan mata. Kesuciannya dipersoalkan, kejujurannya diragui.

“Fik dah fikirkan dalam-dalam. Ikhlas Fik sayangkan Fiya. Fik tak kesah dengan cerita silam Fiya. Kita kahwin!” - TAUFIK

Janji Taufik untuk menerima dirinya seadanya dia, hanya tinggal janji. Kenduri sedang berlangsung. Tetamu sudah berpusu datang. Jurunikah sudah lelah menunggu, tetapi pengantin lelakinya langsung tidak muncul. Aufiya rasa lebih baik dia mati sahaja daripada menanggung malu. Dan, lelaki itu muncul tiba-tiba menyelamatkan maruahnya dari terus ditelanjangkan Taufik. Dia menerima huluran bantuan Zarul walaupun rasa bersalah menggunung tinggi. Zarul yang tegas, Zarul yang dingin dan Zarul juga tunangan Wina. Zarul itulah yang dihantar Tuhan sebagai penyelamatnya.

“Saya tak tahu saya bakal jadi pengantin hari ni. Jadi saya tak sediakan apa-apa untuk Aufiya. Saya cuma ada cincin ini sebagai tanda saya ikat Aufiya dalam hati saya.”- ZARUL

Perkahwinan itu tidak mampu Aufiya khabarkan hatta kepada kawan-kawan baiknya sendiri kerana yang menjadi suaminya itu hanyalah sekadar pinjaman. Pinjaman seorang sahabat yang dikhianatinya dalam diam.

“Abang bukan hak Faye dari mula. Abang hak Wina. Faye tak mahu rampas abang daripada kawan baik Faye sendiri.”- AUFIYA

Dia menawarkan diri bukan kerana terpaksa. Tapi demi rasa yang sudah sekian lama ada. Tapi, sabarnya seakan-akan diuji. Sayang Aufiya terhadap Wina seolah-olah tidak bertepi.

“Kalau sayang sangat dengan Wina tu, apa kata, Faye bermadu aje dengan dia? Senang, kan?”- ZARUL

Hati Aufiya mula berdolak-dalik, antara suami dan sahabat yang dikasihi. Sikap Zarul yang melindungi dan menerima dia seadanya tanpa sebarang syarat mula membuatkan hatinya terbuai.

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