<style>.lazy{display:none}</style>Head of Development, Research and Expertise - INSTITUT PENILAIAN NEGARA



Head Of Development Research and Expertise

Welcoming Words

Welcoming Words from the Head of Development, Research and Expertise

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh And Salam Sejahtera 

The National Institute of Valuation (INSPEN) was established in 1985. The three main thrusts of  INSPEN under the supervision of Head of Development, Research and Expertise are the Professional Development Centre, the Centre for Research and Innovation and the Academic Centre.

The Professional Development Centre, which was originally known as the Training Centre, was created in tandem with the establishment of INSPEN which serves to provide training programmes specifically to the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH) and to the property industry at the national and international levels.

The Centre for Research and Innovation which was also created in line with the establishment of INSPEN, originally functioned to carry out research activities for internal use of the department as well
as at the national level and property information, was then extended its scope to consultancy and product development in 2000 and the distribution of property research funds in under the NAPREC grants in 2002. 

The Academic Centre or originally named as the Education Centre was established in September 2004 to accommodate the development of educational functions. Currently, there are three programmes run by the Academic Centre namely Certificate in Real Estate (SPHT/CREV), Certificate of in Property Management (SPGT/CPM) and Certificate in Estate Agency (CEA).

It is hoped that INSPEN will continue to excel in line with INSPEN's vision of becoming the premier training, research and education centre in real estate. You are welcome to browse INSPEN's website. 

Join our training, research and education activities. 

Head of Development, Research and Expertise

National Institute of Valuation (INSPEN)

Valuation and Property Services Department
Ministry of Finance Malaysia
Tel. (Office): 03-8911 8900

Organisational Structure

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